Friday 12 May 2023


19 May 2023
Pakistan may divide into four parts 
1. Baluchistan
2. Sindh
3. Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa
4. Punjab

19 May 2023
Imran Khan wants only elections. He does not oppose the army. Yes Imran Khan opposes Munir - head of Pakistan army.
Pakistan Army Imran Khan Live : Army Chief ने इमरान को दिया देश छोड़ने का ऑफर | Shehbaz | Pak News
LIVE : Pakistan के Army Chief Asim Munir की Imran Khan के समर्थकों को चेतावनी | Pak News | Top News LIVE: Pakistan Parliament में उठी मांग, 'Imran Khan को सरेआम दी जाए फांसी' Supreme Court | Pak News
11 May 2023

"Nothing will happen to, and in, Pakistan that hasn’t already happened half a dozen times earlier.

The Pakistani army and the ISI will sit back and let the rioting continue for a while. Then when everybody is tired of burning buses and screaming ‘Free Imran’, some General will appear on TV and say ‘martial law has been imposed. Anyone seen rioting will be shot.’ The Pakistani will heave a sigh of relief that at least the violence will end. He can now go back to screwing his goats, or kidnapping Hindu girls, or writing copious Op-Ed’s about why Endia and Pakistan must play cricket, or conducting protest marches against Endian occupation of Kashmeer, or the Zionist infidels in the US and elsewhere. Meanwhile, the Pakistani elite will go back to sipping champagne and sniffing coke in their drawing rooms and reminiscing about the good old days. And plan on how to invite some Indian left liberals over so they can rub Modi’s nose to the ground. And nobody will give a shit anymore about Imran Khan, except the loonies in the UK or the US, who will proudly continue to close down the streets in their neighbourhood. The US and China will quickly announce that a high-level team is flying in to meet the new Martial Law Administrator and taking ties forward. And then soon, he’ll fly up to Washington and Joe Biden will grin into the camera and announce ‘This is a man we can do business with.’ And the world will heave a sigh of relief because ‘at least the nukes are safe.’ " @mohansinha

Muslim denial of #LoveJihad is 100% consistent with their tactics. Same applies to ISIS too. Before ISIS was defeated under Trump, they did absolutely horrible things in the name of Islam. These include 1 Slaughter of POWs & civilians 2 Burning people alive 3 sex slavery & slave markets 4 Beheadings 5 Genocide of Yezidis & Shia 6 Terrorist attacks globally 7 Murder of children & babies 8 Burying people alive 9 Destruction of pre-Islam buildings 10 Chopping off hands 11 Throwing gay men from rooftops (This stuff is so horrific, Twitter won't let me post pictures of it, despite Twitter being the most permissive platform of all SM.) This did not happen 300 years ago, did not happen for gold from temples, this happened less than a decade ago, in almost 100% Muslim areas. It happened for Islam. Every single ISIS member fought for Islam. Lakhs of people joined ISIS or tried to join. The Muslim response to ISIS was muted at best. More people protested against Nupur Sharma for her 20 second speech than for murder of lakhs by ISIS in the name of Islam. A Kafir woman speaking the truth of Islam defamed Islam more than unthinkable atrocities in the name of Islam. Think. What we see now wrt the response to #TheKeralaStory is an extension of the same behaviour. Converting Hindus using ANY means is fully encouraged in Muslim society. And any movie exposing the tactics used will be called hate mongering. Fact is support for both ISIS and Love Jihad is strong within Muslim society. They just don't want you to say it openly.

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