Thursday, 13 October 2022


 ISLAMOPHOBIA - How to limit Islamophobia in the world for permanent peace?

16 June 2024

Narendra Modi Pariwar on X: "दुनिया के नामी लोगो के विचार ……….👍" / X ( Video informs what China's Xi Jinping and Trump said about Islam and Quran. Quran incubates violence and it should be banned. 

1 July 2024

भगवा क्रांति on X: "*मस्जिद बनाई हथियार रखने के लिए* *मदरसे बनाये ट्रेनिंग देने के लिए* *बुर्का पहनाये पहचान छिपाने के लिए* *टोपी पहनाई पहचान बनाने के लिए* *बकरे कटबाये निर्दयी बनाने के लिए* *मातम मनाये खून-खरावे के लिए* *क़ब्र बनाई ज़मीन हथियाने के लिए* *जनसंख्या बनाई देश कब्जाने के लिए*" / X (

In an atmosphere of hatred in India against Muslims, Imran Shayer warns Muslims that Muslims must forgo their hatred against Hindus in India. Wasim Akram Tyagi on X: "बहुत खूबसूरती के साथ @ShayarImran ने बहस का रुख मोड़ दिया। चार जून के बाद आधा दर्जन मुसलमान लिंचिंग में मारे गए उस पर INDIA और PDA के नेता चुप क्यों हैं? यह सवाल इस मंच से उठना चाहिए था, लेकिन @INCIndia सांसद ने उसके बजाय दूसरा गैरजरूरी मुद्दा उठा दिया।" / X (

10 February 2024

Islamophobia in India is explained. Some journalists got rewards from Sonia Congress to propagate against Hindus and appease one community more than the majority to woo voters in elections.

26 August 2023

"A glimpse into the brainwashing and radicalization that goes on in religious minority institutes Women covered from head to toe in burqa are glorifying the regressive all-body wrapping as the very foundation of their religious beliefs while cursing non-believers as hijdas and kutta and declaring them as enemies. Anybody trying to end the purdah system is trying to end Islam, they declare The video is from Talimuddin Niswan Women's Degree College in UP’s Mau district. Song’s tune was plagiarised from Katrina Kaif’ Kamli, the original source of which I don’t know" Swati Goel Sharma tweeted.

I heard the music, which is pleasant and it is in Hindi/Urdu language. I liked the music. It encourages Muslims to be in Burqua for chastity. It is the need of the hour and do not follow women with Bikinies.

Religion does not teach us to hate others. We are Hindus and belong to Hindostan.

20 August 2023
Earlier this month, the blue-collar city that has been home to Polish Catholic immigrants and their descendants for more than a century became what demographers think is the first jurisdiction in the nation to elect a majority-Muslim council. 
"The inescapable truth is when Muslims are a minority they seek some representation and in almost all cases the majority population (whether it be Christian, Atheist, Hindu or Buddhist) will nominate or elect a Muslim. But when Muslims are in a majority, they don't reciprocate. The Muslims of Hamtramck won't offer a token seat to the 7% Polish American minority."

19 August 2023

"Molvi Mohammad Sadiq Akif, the spokesman for the Taliban's Ministry of Vice and Virtue, said in an interview with The Associated Press that if women's faces are visible in public there is a possibility of fitna, or falling into sin".... "The orders of Sharia were issued 1400 years ago and they are still there."...."He said that under the current administration men no longer harass or stare at women like they used to do in the time of the previous government."

"The Taliban government also says it has destroyed the "evils" of drinking alcohol and bacha bazi, a practice in which wealthy or powerful men exploit boys for entertainment, especially dancing and sexual activities."

The ministry is in a fortified compound near Darul Aman Palace in the Afghan capital, Kabul. Women are forbidden from entering ministry premises, some of the guards who were on duty told AP, although there is a female-only security screening hut.

Slogans on concrete barricades praise the purpose of the ministry.

One reads: "The promotion of virtues and the prohibition of vices are an effective means of social order."

Another says: "The promotion of virtues and the prohibition of vices save society from catastrophe." 1 News dated 19 August 2023.

18 August 2023

1. facts of Islamophobia cannot be overlooked. Governments of the world must act to limit violence by all means. It is better to nip in the bud. Timely action by the government can save humanity. Street veto, the cycle of violence, endless concessions, and the eventual aim. The massacre of Hindus will continue till the State keeps conceding to demands. The subjugation will continue till the nation keeps falling for the veils they use. Listen to the video in which it is stated that Muslims want to convert Non-Muslims to Islam. Muslims adopt many means to convert Kafirs to Islam. One of the means is the violent approach.

2. When residents are aware, you don’t need specialized organizations to fight conversion activities carried out through fraud and superstitions. This video is from a village in Bihar where residents called the police after learning of a Christian conversion event and forced the participants to recite the Gayatri mantra and Hanuman Chalisa. They also organized a puja for those they thought were under the influence of missionaries. We @SwarajyaMag  visited the village this week.

2022 - This was submitted during my dissertation at the University of Auckland.

Dr. Dreya Iner from Australia, Aliya Danzeneisen from New Zealand, and Dr. Dalia Mogahid of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) of the United States of America expressed their views on October 13, 2022, from 09:00AM to 10:30AM.

I asked Aliya Danzeneisen of New Zealand

Q1: Does Hindutva (BJP Politics) cause Islamophobia in NZ? 

Q2: Is Islamophobia in NZ due to Hindu Culture or Indian Politics? 

Aliya replied: " The vast majority of Islamophobia has come from the right wing, however it is not exclusive." She did not specify India's politics and Hindu culture. Dutta of Massey University misprojected Hindutva for his personal beliefs. Mohan J Dutta - "Cultural Hindutva and Islamophobia."

Then the question arises: what is right-wing politics? Is Moditva right-wing, left-wing, centrist, etc. Definition changes as per the lenses worn by academics, red/blue/green/saffron. According to me 

"Modi is a left-wing populist when he adopts welfare programs for the poor, peasants, and senior citizens, provides medical aid, medical insurance, education, and toilets for the poor, and is a right-wing populist when he denationalizes the sick government industries. Modi is nationalist when he says “India first”[1] and promotes “make in India” products. Modi is egalitarian when all are supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law and follows the policy of “Sabka Sath and Sabka Vikas”. Modi is totalitarian when he rewrites century-old laws to suit the present conditions. Modi is fascist when BJP-ruled governments arrest Dons those maintained politics and crime nexus with corrupt practices. Modi is utilitarian when he approves through parliament policies against corruption for the benefit of all. Modi is serving humanity by serving one-fifth of the world's population. Jaffrelot named it Moditva[2] and authoritarian, populist, neoliberalist Modi[3]." Note from the peer-reviewed article submitted by Jaipal Datta at the University of Auckland.

[1] NDTV, My definition of secularism is simple, India first, Narendra Modi tells overseas Indians. YouTube. Video 10:34. Posted March 10, 2013.

[2] Jaffrelot, Modi’s India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy, 44 and 51. India: Westland Publications Private Ltd, 2021.

[3] Chacko, Priya. “The Right Turn in India: Authoritarianism, Populism and Neoliberalisation,” 561. Journal of Contemporary Asia 48, no.4 (2018): 541-565. 

"As one of the world’s largest superpowers, China has sought for several decades to restrict the practice of Islam within the Xinjiang region in the west, where more than half the population of 24 million are mainly Uighur Muslims. Their religion, language and culture, along with a history of independence movements and resistance to Chinese rule, have long unnerved the Beijing political nerve center.

As recently as August, media reports found that at least 1 million Muslims are being held in Chinese internment camps, according to estimates cited by the UN and U.S. officials. According to The Atlantic, many Chinese Muslims publicly stated that during the government-led indoctrination process, they were forced to renounce Islam, criticize basic Muslim practices, and recite Communist Party propaganda songs every day. Additionally, were also news reports of Muslims being forced to eat pork and drink alcohol, which are forbidden to Muslims, as well as reports of torture and death of Uighur Muslims at the hands of the Chinese government."

What is Islamophobia?

Islamophobia is anti-Muslim bigotry and discrimination based on irrational hatred and fear of Islam. Islamophobia Opens the Door for Other Kinds of Bigotry. The variable most strongly linked to self-reported prejudice toward Muslims is self-reported prejudice toward Jews. Respondents who say they feel a great deal of prejudice towards Jews is about 32 times as likely to report feeling a great deal of prejudice toward Muslims. Islamophobia makes us less safe / Strengthens terrorist rhetoric and opens the space for extremist ideology.

Topic: Mosques under attack: Islamic places of worship have become targets of far-right violence in the West

Description: In the aftermath of 9/11, there was a drastic increase in Islamophobia with countless cases of harassment and violence against Muslims in western countries. In addition to the attacks against Muslims or those perceived to be Muslim, mosques too became targets of Islamophobic violence. In the last two decades, there have been hundreds of documented cases of vandalism, arson, hate mail, shootings, and bombings of mosques in western countries. From the deadly 2017 Quebec mosque massacre to the 2019 mosque attack in Christchurch, Muslims in western countries have increasingly found their places of worship under threat. Attacks are not just limited to western countries as Islamic places of worship have become targets in China, Myanmar, and India.

Campaigns of Intimidation and harassment are not limited to far-right individuals and groups: governments have played a role in targeting mosques. Following 9/11 in the United States, law enforcement including the FBI carried out covert illegal surveillance operations at Mosques using informants to entrap Muslims. Additionally, over the last two decades, French authorities have aimed indiscriminately shut down mosques, severely impacting Muslims' rights to freely practice their religion.

While academics and community organizations have worked to track incidents of harassment, vandalism, and violent attacks, there still remain discrepancies around documentation as many cases go unreported.

The Bridge initiative and an international panel of experts as we discuss how mosques and Islamic organizations in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States are dealing with the growing threats of violence, and the impact of these attacks on Muslim communities around the world.

New Zealand: 

Aliya Danzeisen informed that there are around 65000 Islam followers (Muslims) in New Zealand. The total population of New Zealand is around 5.2Million. [Around 20,000 Muslims are brown Muslims from India]. Mosque surveillance increased and visitors were scrutinized after the 2019 Christchurch attack, to which many Muslims objected.


Dr. Dreya Iner explained with charts. Since the resurgence of far-right in Sweden, 60% of the Mosques have been attacked. 

Canada - Quebec killing of 6 persons (2017) and Germany - 70 Mosques were attacked in 2019. In New Zealand 51 Muslims were killed and 40 were injured. Copycat attacks increased. Unapologetic way.

Hate Email is not considered an attack.

All agreed that Islamophobia is bad for democracy and security. During the republic government, Islamophobia increased from 32% to 65% from 2002 to 2017. The majority of attacks in the US are by white supremacists. It is reported that media coverage is overwhelmingly negative (90% of coverage is negative)

It is an Islamophobic Industry to earn the profit

Unequal Media Coverage: In cases of violent ideological plots that were not carried out, Muslim-perceived perpetrators received 770% more media coverage than non-Muslim-perceived perpetrators

Daliya Mogahed - ppt 23
Media Coverage Overwhelmingly Negative. 90% of coverage is negative, compared to 73% for North Korea. Over 25 years, the New York Times portrayed Islam and Muslims more negatively than cancer and cocaine.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 22
The Islamophobic Industry: 33 Islamophobic groups had access to at least $205 million in total revenue between 2008-2013.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 21
Impact On Society: Islamophobia Makes Us Less Safe and Less Free
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 20
Muslims experience the most religious discrimination
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 19
Muslims twice as likely to face secondary screening at border
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 18
Islamophobia makes us less safe. Anti Muslim assults exceeded the 2001 total in 2016 in USA
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 17
Islamophobia makes us less safe / Strengthens terrorist rhetoric and open the space for extremist ideology.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 16
Islamophobia Opens the Door for Other Kinds of Bigotry. The variable most strongly linked to self-reported prejudice toward Muslims is self-reported prejudice toward Jews. Respondents who say they feel a great deal of prejudice towards Jews are about 32 times as likely to report a great deal of prejudice toward Muslims.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 15
Islamophobia Opens the Door for Other Kinds of Bigotry / It endorses anti-Muslim tropes is linked to anti-Black racism.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 14
Fear Erodes Freedom. According to neuroscience research, fear makes us more accepting of a) authoritarianism b) conformity c) prejudice
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 13
Islamophobia is bad for democracy and security / A higher Islamophobia Index is linked to a) greater acceptance of military targeting of civilians / Greater acceptance of individual targeting of civilians / Greater acceptance of authoritarian attitudes / Greater support for discriminatory policies / suspending checks and balances / limiting freedom of the press / Muslim ban and surveillance of Mosques
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 12
Policy Recommendations
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 11
Replace Fear with Facts / Build coalitions with other impacted communities / keep demystifying Islam / Do more than "interfaith" / Make Muslim friends
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 10
Most Americans want to live in a country where no one is targeted for their religious identity
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 9

Daliya Mogahed - ppt 8
Mosque Attacks - Reporting and Handling - Impact and Consequences
Most American Terrorism Casualties at the Hands of Right Wing Extremisms. Right wing extremists kill more cops than does any other group.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 7

Is Islam more likely than other religions to encourage violence?
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 6
Most assume the terrorist attacks of 9/11 are to blame for Islamophobia.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 5
What is Islamophobia? Islamophobia is anti-Muslim bigotry and discrimination based on irrational hatred and fear of Islam.
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 4

Daliya Mogahed - ppt 3
Policy Recommendation
Daliya Mogahed - ppt 2

Daliya Mogahed - ppt 1
Post Handling of The Reports:  'It pains our community that violent threats against our community do not seem to be regarded as terrorism,' said Mr Jamal. 'Sadly, law enforcement has a pattern of making excuses for individuals harbouring hateful, racist views, and applying more minor charges'.
Dr Dreya Iner - ppt 7
Barriers to Reporting: a) Ambiguities in Reporting, b) Silence and Avoidance, c) Trust issue,  d) The best means of self -protection (Brothers walk around to ensure safety e) Loyal or Disloyal f) Silence of some Imams and community leaders . [ 1. Imams from overseas, don't know their rights, the system and don't want police intervention and investigation 2. Overwhelmed with some community issues, tend to ignore low level attacks.
Dr Dreya Iner - ppt 6

Dr. Dreya Iner - ppt 5
Resurgences of Far-Right: 
Dr Dreya Iner - ppt 4
Resurgence of Far-Right
Dr Dreya Iner - ppt 3
Handling Hate Crimes and Attacks
Dr Dreya Iner - ppt 2
Cultural Demographic and Security Threat
Dr Dreya Iner - ppt 1

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