Friday 27 September 2024

United Nations News

14 October 2024

"People without borders" refers to a vision where humanity transcends divisions such as nationality, ethnicity, and religion, advocating for unity and global cooperation. Those who support this idea envision a unipolar world focused on universal welfare, where global governance promotes equality, peace, and shared prosperity for all. However, within this unipolar framework, they also recognize the value of multipolar regions—regions with distinct cultural, political, and social systems that are empowered to manage their affairs locally.

The concept blends global unity with regional diversity. The overarching global order ensures that fundamental rights, human dignity, and welfare are protected, while allowing different regions to maintain their unique identities and governance models. This balance aims to prevent global hegemony by any single power and promotes regional autonomy within a globally connected world.

Key principles include:

  1. Global cooperation for shared challenges (climate change, peace, poverty).
  2. Regional autonomy, respecting local customs and governance structures.
  3. Promotion of equality and human rights universally.
  4. Economic systems that emphasize welfare and collective well-being over competition.

This concept promotes a harmonious balance between unity and diversity, ensuring both global welfare and regional self-determination.

You said:
incorporate principles for democracy and just war principles
ChatGPT said:

The concept of a "people without borders" promoting a unipolar world with multipolar regions, when incorporating principles of democracy and just war, emphasizes both global welfare and ethical governance, while ensuring that conflicts are minimized and handled with justice. The integrated vision upholds key democratic ideals and ethical approaches to warfare within this global and regional structure.

1. Global Democracy and Regional Autonomy

  • Inclusive Global Governance: A unipolar world focuses on universal welfare, but governance must be democratic at both the global and regional levels. Global institutions would operate based on democratic principles—transparency, accountability, representation—where every region and people have a voice in decisions affecting humanity.
  • Decentralized Power with Multipolar Regions: Within this global framework, multipolar regions are allowed to self-govern based on their local democratic systems. This empowers different regions to embrace their own political, cultural, and social uniqueness while adhering to the universal democratic principles of participation, equality, and justice.
  • Civil Liberties and Human Rights: Every region would be committed to upholding basic civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, with a shared commitment to human dignity and the protection of minority rights.

2. Principles of Democracy

  • Equality and Inclusiveness: Both the unipolar global governance and multipolar regional systems must ensure equal participation in decision-making, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. This prevents any form of global or regional domination, fostering a truly inclusive society.
  • Rule of Law: The rule of law would govern interactions between regions and within each region. Legal frameworks must protect individual and collective rights while ensuring accountability and justice at all levels of governance.
  • Checks and Balances: Power must be distributed to prevent any single entity—whether a region or a global institution—from becoming dominant. This system would ensure that governance remains fair and that each region can self-determine without the interference of external powers.

3. Just War Principles in a Unified World

While the vision aims for global peace, the incorporation of just war principles ensures that if conflict does arise, it is approached ethically:

  • Just Cause: War or conflict must only be waged to prevent grave harm, such as defending against aggression or stopping severe violations of human rights. It cannot be used for conquest, domination, or exploitation.
  • Legitimate Authority: Any decision to go to war or engage in conflict must be made through a legitimate and democratic global institution, ensuring that no individual nation or region can unilaterally declare war without global consensus.
  • Right Intention: The purpose of war must be to restore peace and justice, not for territorial expansion or resource gain. The ultimate goal must always be to achieve peace and safeguard human dignity.
  • Proportionality: The use of force must be proportional to the threat, with efforts focused on minimizing civilian harm and destruction. Non-violent solutions should always be prioritized, and war should be a last resort.
  • Post-War Justice: After any conflict, rebuilding efforts must be focused on justice, reconciliation, and long-term peace. No region should be left destabilized or exploited post-conflict; instead, international cooperation should ensure the fair and just rebuilding of societies affected by war.

4. Conflict Prevention and Global Cooperation

  • Peaceful Dispute Resolution: In this model, global institutions would be dedicated to preventing conflicts before they arise through diplomacy, dialogue, and conflict resolution mechanisms that respect the autonomy of regions while seeking global solutions.
  • Collective Security: Rather than relying on unilateral military actions, this global system would prioritize collective security, where all regions work together to ensure peace, and any threat to one is considered a threat to all.
  • Non-Violence as a Principle: The overarching goal would be to resolve conflicts without violence, fostering a culture of peace, cooperation, and mutual respect.


In this model of a people without borders seeking a unipolar world for global welfare with multipolar regions, democracy serves as the foundation for governance at all levels—global and regional. Just war principles ensure that any use of force is strictly controlled, ethical, and aimed at preserving peace. This vision blends unity with diversity, democracy with self-determination, and peace with justice, aspiring toward a harmonious global order that benefits all humanity while respecting local autonomy.

You said:
Add reasons about failure of United Nations Organization
ChatGPT said:

The United Nations Organization (UNO), while founded with noble goals to maintain international peace, promote cooperation, and ensure global welfare, has faced significant challenges and criticisms over the years. Understanding these reasons is crucial for why a new vision, like a "people without borders" unipolar world with multipolar regions, is seen as a better alternative. Here are some key reasons behind the perceived failure or limitations of the UN:

1. Power Imbalance and Veto Power

  • Dominance of the Permanent Members (P5): The UN Security Council's five permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) hold veto power, meaning they can block any resolution regardless of international consensus. This often results in paralysis, especially when these powers have conflicting interests. This creates an unequal system where decisions are often driven by the political, economic, or military interests of these few nations.
  • Lack of Global Representation: Many regions and countries feel underrepresented in key decision-making processes. The structure of the UN gives disproportionate power to a few countries, leading to discontent among smaller or less powerful nations.

2. Failure to Prevent Conflicts

  • Inability to Stop Major Conflicts: The UN has been criticized for its failure to prevent or resolve several major conflicts, such as the Rwandan Genocide (1994), the wars in Syria, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Despite its mandate to promote peace, the organization has often been slow to act or completely unable to stop widespread violence and humanitarian disasters.
  • Ineffective Peacekeeping Missions: While the UN has conducted many peacekeeping missions, some have been plagued by poor organization, insufficient resources, or a lack of clear mandates. As a result, peacekeepers have sometimes been unable to protect civilians or enforce peace agreements, leading to criticism of their overall effectiveness.

3. Bureaucratic Inefficiencies and Corruption

  • Slow and Bureaucratic Processes: The UN is often seen as a cumbersome bureaucracy where decision-making is slow, and action is delayed. Important resolutions and interventions can take months or even years to materialize due to lengthy negotiations and internal procedures.
  • Corruption and Mismanagement: There have been instances of corruption and mismanagement within the UN and its agencies. For example, the "Oil-for-Food" scandal in the early 2000s, where billions of dollars were misappropriated, damaged the credibility of the organization and highlighted governance issues.

4. Inability to Adapt to Modern Global Challenges

  • Outdated Structure: The UN was formed in 1945 after World War II, and its structure reflects the geopolitical realities of that time. However, the world has changed dramatically, and the UN’s structure has not kept pace. Emerging global powers, such as India and Brazil, still do not have permanent seats on the Security Council, while issues like cyber threats, climate change, and transnational terrorism require new strategies and forms of global cooperation.
  • Failure to Address Global Inequality: The UN has not been able to adequately address the growing economic disparities between rich and poor nations. Despite initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), poverty, hunger, and inequality persist on a global scale, showing that its influence on economic reforms has been limited.

5. Inability to Enforce Resolutions

  • Lack of Enforcement Mechanisms: Many UN resolutions, especially those from the General Assembly, are non-binding, meaning that member states can choose to ignore them without consequence. Even in the Security Council, where resolutions are binding, the UN lacks the military or economic leverage to enforce its decisions in cases where powerful countries or regional actors disregard them.
  • Sovereignty vs. Global Governance: The UN’s commitment to respecting state sovereignty often conflicts with its role as a global peacekeeper. This limits its ability to intervene in situations where governments are responsible for gross human rights violations, such as in the cases of Syria, Myanmar, or the Democratic Republic of Congo. The reluctance to interfere in the internal affairs of states weakens its ability to enforce international norms.

6. Politicization of Humanitarian Aid and Development Programs

  • Selective Humanitarian Interventions: The UN has been accused of being selective in its humanitarian interventions, with interventions sometimes being influenced by political motives rather than based on human need. This erodes trust in the UN as a neutral body.
  • Dependency on Donor States: UN agencies rely heavily on funding from member states, especially wealthier nations, which can skew priorities and decision-making. Donor countries can influence how and where humanitarian aid is distributed, sometimes in ways that align more with their national interests than with global welfare needs.

7. Fragmentation and Lack of Coordination

  • Compartmentalization of Agencies: The UN is made up of numerous agencies, funds, and programs (e.g., WHO, UNICEF, UNDP), many of which operate independently of one another. This fragmentation often leads to a lack of coordination, inefficiency, and duplication of efforts in addressing global issues.
  • Overlapping Mandates: Multiple agencies may have overlapping mandates, which creates confusion and dilutes effectiveness. For example, both the UNDP and the World Bank are involved in development programs, sometimes competing rather than collaborating.

Conclusion: Need for a New Vision

The failure of the United Nations Organization to effectively prevent conflicts, address global inequalities, and function efficiently within an outdated structure has led many to call for a new global model—one like the "people without borders" vision. This alternative would offer a democratic unipolar system where global welfare is prioritized but with multipolar regions retaining their autonomy, creating a balance between global unity and local diversity. This vision also incorporates more equitable representation, decentralized governance, and just war principles to avoid the pitfalls of the current UN system, ensuring a more effective and fair global order for the future.

10 October 2024

The world is governed by the United States of America (US). United Nations do not govern the World and is toothless.  Russian troops enter US military base in Niger...अब अफ्रीका में US को चुनौती Ankit Avasthi Sir (

29 September 2024

UNGA 2024: Israel Will Fight Until "Total Victory" if Hamas Does Not Surrender, Says Netanyahu (

Hananya Naftali on X: "The full speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations. Pray for Israel's leaders." / X (

Jaipal Datta on X: "The Indian Foreign Minister @DrSJaishankar explained the new political order. He advocates new innovative technical and digital methods to minimize poverty as experienced in India. Street vendors are using digital payment. It can be a real game changer if utilized in developing" / X

28 September 2024

Sidhant Sibal on X: ""India, with its significant economic growth and leadership in the Global South, deserves a permanent seat at the Security Council" Bhutan PM Tshering Tobgay during UNGA address Vdo ctsy: UN Web TV" / X (

27 September 2024 

ANI on X: "#WATCH | President Macron of France addressed the UN General Debate on 25th September, he said, "France is in favour of the Security Council being expanded. Germany, Japan, India and Brazil should become permanent members, as well as two countries that Africa would designate to" / X (

Winston Peters on X: "We announce today New Zealand’s intention, as a voice for smaller states, to campaign for a seat on the Security Council for the 2039-40 term. That intention is supported by our enduring hope: - that the spirit of San Francisco can be reclaimed through the sincerity and moral" / X (

Canada News

15 October 2024

  • Leaders' Personal interests in wooing voters can cause conflict in International Relations. India is a great vibrant multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-regional democracy with one-fifth of the world population. India could maintain democracy and develop. Hunger, illiteracy, and poverty existed before 1947 could be countered by democratic means. The policies of Indian leaders helped to remain democratic.

  • Jawahar Lal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, and now @narendramodi  and @BJP4India  are helping India to progress and be self-reliant in scientific knowledge, technology and social sciences. This shall enrich culture and pave the way for the New World Order, which advocates a Unipolar World with strong multipolar regions.
  • Canada and other political and capital elites of rich countries must cooperate with the Indian capital to grow and serve humanity. I agree that Indian legislatures, executives, and judiciary need improvement in implementing the right welfare decisions and providing the best housing, industrial, agricultural, and transport infrastructure. But Canadian leaders must also learn that terrorism does not know boundaries. Criminals are capable of traveling around the world and transferring funds to destabilize other states. Canada should not use these terrorists and criminals to destabilize India. Canada must hand over these criminals to India to maintain good relations with one-fifth of the world population. The world is changing faster than many leaders are able to conceptualize the reality at the grassroots political will of the people. The hatred and selfishness of leaders are to be curtailed. Democracy is the means to coexist even with different opinions. Criminals want violence, which should be nipped in the bud before again one airplane explodes. Terrorism is not acceptable, though some leaders may use it to subdue rivals. @JustinTrudeau @DrSJaishankar @narendramodi @HMOIndia @MEAIndia 
  • India expels 6 Canadian diplomats after withdrawing Indian envoy to Canada

28 September 2024

 Brahma Chellaney on X: "There are 160,000 Sikhs living in Brampton, a suburban town in the Greater Toronto Area. There's a strong presence there of Khalistanis, who have publicly glorified Indira Gandhi's assassination. So the jihadist defacing of Ranjit Singh's statue seems odd." / X (

Daniel Bordman on X: "Jihadists in Brampton, Canada attack and deface a statue of Ranjit Singh. Ranjit Singh was the father of the Sikh Empire, last man to successfully hold Afghanistan and generally loved by all in South Asia. This isn’t about Israel or Palestine, it’s about the destruction of" / X ( "This isn’t about Israel or Palestine, it’s about the destruction of everything that is not part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s world view."

27 September 2024

Chandra Arya on X: "My statement in parliament today: 39 years back Air India Flight 182 was blown-up mid-air from a bomb planted by Canadian Khalistan extremists. It killed 329 people and is the largest mass killing in Canadian history. Even today, the ideology responsible for this terrorist attack" / X (

Sunday 22 September 2024


14 October 2024

13 October 2024

12 October 2024

11 October 2024

Narendra Modi on X: "Took part in the 19th East Asia Summit being held in Vientiane, Lao PDR. India attaches great importance to friendly relations with ASEAN. We are committed to adding even more momentum to this relation in the times to come. Our Act East Policy has led to substantial gains and" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "Thank you Lao PDR! It’s been a productive visit, in line with India’s commitment to keep strengthening the relations with ASEAN. Together, we will continue to work towards peace, prosperity, and sustainable development in the region. Here are the highlights from today" / X (

Amit Shah on X: "जब विजन, एक्सपीरियंस और कमिटमेंट के सुगम मिलन वाला व्यक्ति देश का प्रधानमंत्री बनता है, तो देश कितनी तेजी से आगे बढ़ता है, मोदी जी इसका सबसे उत्तम उदाहरण हैं।" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "Met respected monks and spiritual leaders in Lao PDR, who were happy to see the honour being given to Pali by the Indian people. I am grateful to them for their blessings." / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "The welcome in Lao PDR was memorable! The Indian community is clearly very connected with their roots. Also gladdening was the local people speaking in Hindi and doing a Bihu dance! Do watch…" / X ( 

FRom Wiki information "Lao PDR is Laos, officially the Lao People's Democratic Republic, is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia. At the heart of the Indochinese Peninsula, Laos is bordered by Myanmar and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the southeast, and Thailand to the west and southwest. Its capital and largest city is Vientiane. "

"66 percent of Laotians were Theravada Buddhist, 1.5 percent Christian, 0.1 percent Muslim, 0.1 percent Jewish, and 32.3 percent were other or traditional (mostly practitioners of Satsana Phi) in 2010.[4][150] Buddhism has long been one of the most important social forces in Laos. Theravada Buddhism coexisted peacefully since its introduction to the country with the local polytheism.[47"

ANI on X: "#WATCH | RSS leader Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi says, "Castes are decided based on birth... Can anyone say which caste Haridwar belongs to? Are the 12 Jyotirlingas belong to any caste? Are 51 Shaktipeeths in different parts of the country belong to any caste? Those who consider" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण को उनकी जयंती पर मेरी आदरपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि। उन्होंने देश और समाज में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन के लिए अपना जीवन समर्पित कर दिया। उनका व्यक्तित्व और आदर्श हर पीढ़ी के लिए प्रेरणास्रोत बना रहेगा।" / X (

10 October 2024

Jawaharlal Nehru divided India for power in 1947. Now Sonia Gandhi is trying to divide remaining India between Hindu and Muslims. Area dominated by Hindus shall be reduced again. Many people may be murdered and women raped during this partition. Only answer to this problem is to follow methods shown by Israel.

Mr Sinha on X: "There's many caste in Islam as well but ecosystem never talks about that, they always talk about caste in Hinduism because they want to create rift between Hindus - PM Modi Surprising but a very necessary & important statement by PM... It will have a big impact.. 👏🏻🔥" / X (

AajTak on X: "आज देश के सबसे बड़े उद्योगपतियों में से एक Ratan Tata इस दुनिया को हमेशा के लिए अलविदा कह गए लेकिन टाटा संस को नई ऊंचाई पर पहुंचाने वाले रतन टाटा की खूबसूरत और प्रेरणादायक बातें हमें हमेशा याद रहनी चाहिए. रतन टाटा के ये प्रेरणादायक विचार किसी भी इंसान को न सिर्फ़ जीवन के वास्तविक" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "महाराष्ट्र में एक साथ 10 नए मेडिकल कॉलेजों की शुरुआत से जहां युवाओं के लिए अवसर बढ़ेंगे, वहीं राज्य के लोगों को बेहतर स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं मिल सकेंगी।" / X (

Professor CR on X: "Narendra Modi slammed Congress for never addressing caste issues within #Islam while constantly focusing on caste divisions among Hindus. He rightly said Congress deliberately trying to create discord among #Hindus to gain political advantage. #NarendraModi #Congress #BJP" / X (

9 October 2024

Amit Shah on X: "चाहे केंद्र में लगातार तीसरी बार मोदी जी का चुनकर आना हो या हरियाणा, गुजरात, मध्य प्रदेश व अन्य राज्यों में बार-बार भाजपा सरकार का बनना, यह दर्शाता है कि भारतीय राजनीति में मोदी जी के नेतृत्व वाली भाजपा ने जिस Politics of Performance के नए युग की शुरुआत की है, उसमें जनता का अटूट" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "देशभक्तों को बांटने की कांग्रेस की साजिश को हरियाणा की जनता-जनार्दन ने पूरी तरह नकार कर यह बता दिया है कि उसकी देश विरोधी पॉलिटिक्स नहीं चलने वाली।" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "Speaking from @BJP4India HQ." / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "आज पूरा देश देख रहा है कि कैसे कांग्रेस हमारे समाज में जाति का जहर फैलाने पर उतर आई है।" / X (

Sarcasm about EVM by some one. Shiv Aroor on X: "Elections in India since 2019 where EVMs have worked: 2019 Lok Sabha✅ 2019 Telangana❌ 2019 Maha❌ 2019 Haryana❌ 2019 Jharkhand✅ 2020 Delhi❌ 2020 Bihar❌ 2021 TN✅ 2021 Kerala❌ 2021 Assam❌ 2021 Puducherry❌ 2022 U.P❌ 2022 U'khand❌ 2022 Punjab❌ 2022 Goa❌ 2022 Gujarat❌" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "हरियाणा का हृदय से आभार! भारतीय जनता पार्टी को एक बार फिर स्पष्ट बहुमत देने के लिए मैं हरियाणा की जनशक्ति को नमन करता हूं। यह विकास और सुशासन की राजनीति की जीत है। मैं यहां के लोगों को विश्वास दिलाता हूं कि उनकी आकांक्षाओं को पूरा करने के लिए हम कोई कोर-कसर नहीं छोड़ेंगे।" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "इस महाविजय के लिए अथक परिश्रम और पूरे समर्पण भाव से काम करने वाले अपने सभी कार्यकर्ता साथियों को भी मेरी बहुत-बहुत बधाई! आपने ना केवल राज्य की जनता-जनार्दन की भरपूर सेवा की है, बल्कि विकास के हमारे एजेंडे को भी उन तक पहुंचाया है। इसी का नतीजा है कि भाजपा को हरियाणा में यह" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "कांग्रेस देश को गौरवान्वित करने वाली हर छवि को कैसे धूमिल करने में लगी है, इसके एक नहीं अनेक उदाहरण हैं…" / X (

8 October 2024

Jaipal Datta on X: "@PoornimaNimo does not understand politics of opposition. I strongly condemn your views "But while the backward class and muslim community already got reservation, free schemes, scholarships and benefits of the government, the loyal middle class and upper class hindu voter did" / X (

Yogi Adityanath on X: "हमारा हिंदू धर्म स्पष्ट कहता है कि 'अहिंसा परमो धर्म:' लेकिन, राष्ट्र रक्षा के लिए, धर्म रक्षा के लिए, निर्दोष लोगों को बचाने के लिए हिंसा करनी पड़े तो 'धर्मसम्मत' मान्य है और यह आह्वान भारत का 'शास्त्र' करता है..." / X (

ANI on X: "#WATCH | Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah says, "I congratulate the Chief Minister, Home Minister, DGP and the entire team of Chhattisgarh as since January, 194 Naxalites have been killed, 801 Naxalites have been arrested and 742 Naxalites have surrendered. I appeal to all" / X (

Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi on X: "प्रधानमंत्री श्री @narendramodi जी ने और मोहन भागवत जी ने जो कुछ भी कहा है वो एकदम सही है वास्तविकता में जब तक हिन्दू एकजुट रहेगा और हिंदुत्व मज़बूत रहेगा तभी सभी जातियों का स्थान सम्मान और आरक्षण सुरक्षित रहेगा क्योंकि यह प्रमाणित है जब जब जहाँ जहाँ हिन्दू कमज़ोर हुआ SCST OBC" / X (

Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi on X: "राजनैतिक एकजुटता के लिए सबकी सोच अलग अलग है पर ईमानदारी से एक बात कही जा सकती है मुस्लिम समाज की तारीफ़ करनी चाहिए कि वो अपने को मिलने वाली सुविधाओं को ध्यान न देकर उनकी नज़र में जो कौम का भविष्य हैं उसको ध्यान में रखकर वोट किया जबकि हिन्दू समाज में एक बड़े वर्ग को समझाया गया कि" / X ( समझाया गया कि वर्तमान समय में मिलने वाली कुछ सुविधाओं को ध्यान में रखकर वोट करो भविष्य के ख़तरे की संभावना को ताक पर रख दो। इसलिए लोकतंत्र में सिर्फ़ संख्या बल नहीं एकता बल जीतता है । इसलिए प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी और मोहन भागवत जी का इशारा उसी तरफ़ है जिसमें देश का दीर्घकालिक सुख और शांति भी निहित है ।

Narendra Modi on X: "#23YearsOfSeva… A heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has sent their blessings and good wishes as I complete 23 years as the head of a government. It was on October 7, 2001, that I took on the responsibility of serving as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. It was the greatness of" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "When I assumed office as CM, Gujarat was facing numerous challenges - the 2001 Kutch Earthquake, before that a Super Cyclone, a massive drought, and the legacy of many decades of Congress misrule like loot, communalism and casteism. Powered by Jana Shakti, we rebuilt Gujarat and" / X (

Narendra Modi on X: "Much has been achieved over the years but there is still more to be done. The learnings over these 23 years enabled us to come up with pioneering initiatives which have made an impact both nationally and globally. I assure my fellow Indians that I will keep working tirelessly," / X (

AstroCounselKK🇮🇳 on X: "It's worth your 11 mins .. Trust me .. इस वीडियो को सुनेंगे तो होश उड़ जाएंगे आपके, ये हैं सुप्रीम कोर्ट लॉयर डी. के. दुबे, जो D. U. में law के professor हैं .. सारे हिन्दू समाज के लोग इनको ज़रूर सुनें , यकीन कीजिए, मात्र दस मिनट में आपके सारे भ्रम दूर हो जाएंगे ।" / X ( BJP against Islam in India. How do BJP leaders clear doubts among Hindus against unity?

Subramanian Swamy on X: "Today is the day that last year same date a ghastly beastly brutality was carried out by Hamas against innocent Israeli men, women, babies and children. It will never be forgotten in the annals of history." / X (

7 October 2024

Megh Updates 🚨™ on X: "This video needs to go viral 🔥" / X (

Vice-President of India on X: "Executive governance by the judiciary is jurisprudentially and jurisdictionally beyond Constitutional sanctification. This significant aspect calls for deep reflection by the intelligentsia and the academia. This influencing category needs to act as beacon for catalysing" / X (

Subramanian Swamy on X: "Turkey President has announced that Muslims of the world must unite to “exterminate” Jews including those in Israel, Bharat therefore must resolve to stand with Israel. Soon Christians will have to choose. A clash of civilisations will then begin as Nostradamus had predicted." / X (

Subramanian Swamy on X: "Hamas’ perfidy is now backed by Muslim nations. This is not acceptable under the UN Charter. Therefore India with its 1.2 million troops should be ready to support Israel on the ground that if other Islamic nations without UN Resolution attack Israel, India will offer support." / X (

TIMES NOW on X: "After Mohan Bhagwat's 'Hindus must unite' call, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi hits back, saying 'Modi and Bhagwat are a threat.' Neither are Hindus in danger nor are Muslims in danger. But yes, India's Hindus, Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis... have a threat from Narendra Modi and" / X (

The Analyzer (News Updates🗞️) on X: "🚩"DHARM is Dharm, not 'Dharma'. RAMAYAN is not 'Ramayana'. KARM is not 'Karma'. Thiruvananthapuram means 'Shelter of the Anant' but Trivandrum means nothing. ~ Let's not be victims of dishonest meanings of words. For me, Dharm is DHARM." Powerful words by Amitabh Bachchan👌" / X (

AAP leader is against Hindus of India and woo Muslim votes to gain power. Ashwini Upadhyay on X: "स्वामी विवेकानंद जी ने कहा था, भारत के लिए सबसे बड़ा खतरा कन्वर्टेड हिंदू हैं" / X (

Shivraj Singh Chouhan on X: "बांग्लादेशी घुसपैठियों के कारण झारखंड की डेमोग्राफी तेजी से बदल रही है। संथाल परगना में कभी आदिवासी आबादी 44% थी, आज घटकर 28% हो गई है। वोट बैंक के लालच में हेमंत सोरेन की गठबंधन सरकार घुसपैठियों को संरक्षण दे रही है। झारखंड में रोटी, बेटी और माटी की रक्षा करना हमारा संकल्प है।" / X (

BhikuMhatre on X: "Best move by Modi-Shah Ji before 2024 Elections was... getting .@PawanKalyan in NDA! 1. He ensured TDP joins NDA & stays rock solid with Modi Ji even after BJP's reduced seats. 2. Revival of Hinduism in Andhra which was virtually in hands of Missionaries. 3. Took DMK head-on wrt" / X ( 1. He ensured TDP joins NDA & stays rock solid with Modi Ji even after BJP's reduced seats. 2. Revival of Hinduism in Andhra which was virtually in hands of Missionaries. 3. Took DMK head-on wrt its Anti-Sanatani agenda. 4. He is one Pan-South face of Hindutva affecting 3 states at least... AP, Telangana & TN.

5. He is the "Missing Link" who can get BJP & AIADMK alliance back together without hurting Annamalai's efforts to make BJP solid force in TN and he has already started doing that by sending overtures to AIADMK by singing praises for MGR & Amma Jayalalithaa. 6. He can help BJP to get Telangana in its kitty. 7. He can single handedly get South Film Industry which sets Anti-Hindu & Woke Narratives....bow down to his feet. Pawan Kalyan Rocks & so do Modi-Shah Ji's Political Decisions.

Hindus are a minority in around 9 - 11 states. 🚨 Shouldn't Hindus be given Minority Rights and Benefits ??? New data will come & that will shock us. Demography is a threat to India's national security. Demography has completely changed coz - Illegal immigration - Religious conversions - Population explosion

3 October 2024

ANI on X: "#WATCH | Washington DC: When asked about US political leaders making comments about democracy in India, EAM Dr S Jaishankar says, "...One there is the reality and second is the handling of reality. The reality is the world is very globalised and as a result, politics does not" / X ( politics does not necessarily stay within the national boundaries of the country. The United States makes a special effort to ensure it doesn't. That is a part of how the US has conducted its foreign policy over the years...Some players like to shape not only the politics of their own country but try and do it globally...You write up reports about people and you spotlight countries...Democracies must be mutually respected, it cannot be that one democracy has a right to comment on another and that's a part of promoting democracy globally but when others do that then it becomes foreign interference. Foreign interference is foreign interference, irrespective of who does it and where it is done. It is a testy area and my personal view is you have every right to comment but I have every right to comment on your comment, so don't feel bad when I do"

29 September 2024

Palki Sharma on X: "The war India keeps losing ⬇️" / X ( Read about Fourth Generation Warfare, which is fought by CIA/KGB/RAW/M5

28 September 2024

 ANI on X: "#WATCH | Faridabad, Haryana | Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath says, "Congress is the name of problems. All the national problems are due to Congress. Partition of India, weakening India on the basis of caste, religion and language, pushing India into terrorism, naxalism," / X (

President of India on X: "Unfortunately, a poor person does not get the same access to justice as a rich person. This unfair situation must change for the better." / X (

The Pamphlet on X: "Rajdeep Sardesai on his recent India Today Conclave alludes Nazi slogan, passes unsavoury comments at his panelists and attacks on PM Modi & BJP Watch to know how Rajdeep(@sardesairajdeep) gets fact-checked by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari(@nitin_gadkari) In this video, we" / X (

Himanta Biswa Sarma on X: "झारखण्ड से घुसपैठियों को निकालने के लिए NRC आवश्यक है। जो अपनी नागरिकता का प्रमाण नहीं दे पाएंगे, उन्हें कानूनी प्रक्रिया के तहत उनके देश वापस भेजा जाएगा। अचानक से वोटर लिस्ट में शामिल हुए लोगों की भी कुंडली NRC के माध्यम से निकाली जाएगी।" / X (

27 September 2024

BhikuMhatre on X: "“Jab saare Islamic desh #Modi ko highest civilian award de sakte hai, lekin Bharat ka musalman Modi ko apna vote nahin de sakta?” .@SushantBSinha you just ki££ed it with the simplest question 👏" / X (

Vice-President of India on X: "मुझे चिंता होती है कि कुछ लोग इतना माद्दा कहां से लाते हैं कि देश और विदेश में उन लोगों के साथ बैठें जो राष्ट्र के हितकारी नहीं हैं। जो लोग इस राष्ट्र को तोड़ना चाहते हैं, जिनका सनातन में विश्वास नहीं है और जो सनातन को एक संकट मानते हैं, वो नासमझी के परिचायक हैं। गंभीर बात यह" / X (

Amit Shah on X: "उमर अब्दुल्ला साफ-साफ सुन लें, जो भी देश में आतंकवाद फैलाने की कोशिश करेगा, उसका हाल अफजल गुरु जैसा ही होगा।" / X (

24 September 2024

Vice-President of India on X: "पिछले 10 साल में एक बड़ा बदलाव यह आया है कि अब पद्म श्री, पद्म भूषण और पद्म विभूषण उनको मिलते हैं जो गुदड़ी के लाल हैं, जो असली हकदार हैं! यही बदलाव भारत रत्न के साथ भी हुआ है। मतलब यह है कि देश बदल रहा है! #PMAYUrban @PMAYUrban" / X (

News24 on X: ""भारत राम राज्य की तरफ बढ़ रहा है, नर और इंद्र नरेंद्र नाम ने सबकुछ संभव बना दिया है" ◆ उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा Jagdeep Dhankhar | Narendra Modi | #JagdeepDhankhar" / X (

22 September 2024

Vice-President of India on X: "मेरा सरकार से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है। सरकार किसी भी पार्टी की हो, पर सरकार हमारे राष्ट्रवाद से जुड़ी हुई है। राजनीति चाहे जैसे करो, अपने हिसाब से करो और दिल खोलकर करो। चुनाव आए तो अपने घोड़े दौड़ाओ, पर जब देश का सवाल आए तब यह नहीं सोचना चाहिए कि दाईं तरफ जाऊं या बाईं तरफ जाऊं।" / X (

Vice-President of India on X: "मैं किसान परिवार से आता हूं, कभी सोचा नहीं था कि देश के दूसरे सबसे बड़े पद पर रहूंगा। इस पद पर रहते हुए मैं सिर्फ राष्ट्र के बारे में सोचूंगा और जो कड़ी बात कहने की आवश्यकता है वह भी कहूंगा! किसी को अधिकार नहीं है भारत के बाहर जाकर भारत की बुराई करने का या भारत के दुश्मनों के" / X (

Vice-President of India on X: "हमने मेडिकल टूरिज़्म, सफारी टूरिज़्म तो देखा ही है लेकिन सवाल यह है कि देश विरोधी टूरिज़्म क्यों हो रहा है! बाहर जाएंगे और भारत के खिलाफ अनर्गल बातें करेंगे! ऐसा नहीं होना चहिए और ऐसे मौके पर यदि हम चुप्पी साध लेते हैं तो हम भी इस दुष्कर्म के भागीदार हैं। भारत के हित पर" / X (  भारत के हित पर कुठाराघात करना भारत मां के सीने में चांकू घोंपने से कम नहीं है। यह किसी भी हालत में बर्दाश्त नहीं होगा।

Modi in USA - 22 September 2024 PMO India on X: "A special start to a significant visit. @POTUS @JoeBiden warmly received PM @narendramodi at his residence in Greenville, Delaware." / X (