Thursday, 14 November 2024

News from Italy

Giorgia Meloni - Italy Prime Minister

19 February 2025

Elon Musk on X: "Bravo!" / X   Mario Nawfal on X: "🇮🇹 MELONI TAKES ON ITALY’S JUDGES—JUSTICE SYSTEM SHAKE-UP PM Giorgia Meloni is pushing a historic reform to split judges from prosecutors, arguing it will speed up trials and make the system more impartial. Italy’s courts are among the slowest in Europe, with cases taking four" / X  with cases taking four times longer than the EU average. For decades, judges and prosecutors have operated as an untouchable political force, resisting accountability. Meloni: “Basically, they want to govern themselves. There’s a problem. If I make a mistake, the Italians can vote me out of office. If they make a mistake, no one can say or do anything. No power in a democratic state works like that.” The judiciary is pushing back, calling a one-day strike on Feb. 27 and claiming the reform would strip prosecutors of independence. A Naples prosecutor warned: “The separation of careers will turn the public prosecutor into a super-police officer, and they will lose the culture of impartiality.” Meanwhile, courts have blocked Meloni’s migrant plan and even opened an investigation into her cabinet, fueling concerns that some judges are protecting their own power rather than applying the law. The bill has passed the lower house and now moves to the Senate. If approved, it heads to a public referendum, where Meloni—more popular now than in 2022—may finally fix a system former PM Berlusconi couldn’t. Source: Reuters

The problem of justice is around the world. Compare with the Indian system of judiciary. Corruption corrupted institutions around the world. USA, Europe and India are examples, though Russia and China cannot be excluded from corrupt practices.

6 February 2025

Update NEWS on X: "🇮🇹🇪🇺Giorgia Meloni's statement that "there is an ongoing process of Islamization in Europe, which is very distant from the values of our civilization" has gone viral again on social media." / X

23 January 2025

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Accolgo con grande soddisfazione i dati diffusi oggi dall’Istat sulla crescita dell’agricoltura italiana nel 2024. L’Italia si attesta come la Nazione tra i 27 Paesi della UE con il più alto valore aggiunto agricolo. È un primato storico che ci rende particolarmente orgogliosi e" / X "I welcome with great satisfaction the data released today by Istat on the growth of Italian agriculture in 2024. Italy is the nation among the 27 EU countries with the highest agricultural added value. This is a historic record that makes us particularly proud and is the result of the work, dedication and determination of businesses and workers in the sector. And we are equally proud to have always done our part to achieve this goal. The Government, since its establishment, has put agriculture back at the center, has dedicated record funding and adopted system policies to promote and relaunch the Italian agri-food sector and our excellence. The path taken is the right one, and we will continue to work in this direction."

22 January 2025

April Color on X: "History in the making Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the only European leader invited, attended Donald Trump’s swearing-in as President of the United States at Capitol Hill. Emphasizing the importance of Italy’s already strong relations with the U.S. 🇺🇸🇮🇹" / X

20 January 2025

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Nel giorno della nascita di Paolo Borsellino desidero ricordare un grande uomo, un giudice e un Servitore dello Stato che ci ha insegnato che avere paura è umano ma ciò che è importante è affiancare alla paura il coraggio. Il coraggio di combattere per quello in cui si crede e" / X si crede e fare tutto ciò che è possibile per migliorare le cose.

Fin dall’insediamento del Governo abbiamo messo tra le nostre priorità la battaglia contro le mafie e, nel nome di Paolo Borsellino, di Giovanni Falcone e di tutti coloro che sono caduti per mano della criminalità organizzata, continueremo su questa strada per portare legalità e sicurezza, libertà e giustizia. Buon compleanno Paolo, il tuo esempio vive nelle nostre azioni.

On the day of Paolo Borsellino's birth, I wish to remember a great man, a judge, and a Servant of the State who taught us that being afraid is human, but what is important is combining fear with courage—the courage to fight for what you believe in and do everything possible to make things better. Since the Government took office, we have made the battle against the mafia one of our priorities. In the name of Paolo Borsellino, Giovanni Falcone, and all those who have fallen at the hands of organized crime, we will continue on this path to bring legality, security, freedom, and justice. Happy birthday, Paolo; your example lives in our actions.

16 January 2025

Each country is racing to develop its own state. Giorgia Meloni on X: "Voglio esprimere le mie congratulazioni per il lancio, avvenuto dalla base Vandenberg in California, del primo satellite per la costellazione nazionale IRIDE. Un risultato che consolida la leadership dell’Italia nel settore spaziale e testimonia l’efficace utilizzo dei fondi del" / X I would like to extend my congratulations on the launch of the first satellite for the national IRIDE constellation from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. A result that consolidates Italy's leadership in the space sector and demonstrates the effective use of PNRR funds. Thanks to the collaboration of Argotec and SpaceX, we are taking a further step forward in the field of Earth observation, environmental protection and prevention of natural risks.A success that underlines the crucial role of Italian companies in innovation and scientific progress, projecting our nation ever more into the future of space research and sustainability.

12 January 2025

MAGA Voice on X: "HOLY SH*T 🚨 Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni is VERY tough on illegal immigrants: “if you enter illegally, you will be immediately deported” Now I see why Donald Trump and Elon Musk like her. LET’S GO 🔥" / X

11 January 2025

(1) RadioGenoa on X: "Italian PM Giorgia Meloni: "There is a problem of compatibility between Islamic culture and the values ​​and rights of our civilization." Do you agree with her?" / X

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Le notizie che arrivano dal Venezuela rappresentano un altro inaccettabile atto della repressione del regime di Maduro, di cui non riconosciamo la proclamata vittoria elettorale. Intendiamo continuare a lavorare per una transizione democratica e pacifica. Le legittime aspirazioni" / X The news coming from Venezuela represents another unacceptable act of repression by the Maduro regime, whose proclaimed electoral victory we do not recognize. We intend to continue working for a democratic and peaceful transition. The legitimate aspirations of freedom and democracy of the Venezuelan people must finally be realized.

10 January 2025

Visegrád 24 on X: "Meloni answers a question from a Russian reporter at today’s presser in connection with her meeting with Zelensky in Rome. Asked whether she thinks Ukraine should be able to join NATO without having regained all its territory, she answered that security guarantees are important" / X

8 January 2025

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Amore per la Patria, memoria e rispetto per chi ha lottato per la nostra libertà, speranza per un futuro da costruire insieme. Sono tutti valori incarnati dal nostro Tricolore, che celebriamo in particolar modo oggi, in occasione della Giornata Nazionale della Bandiera. Un ponte" / X "Love for the Homeland, memory and respect for those who fought for our freedom, hope for a future to build together. These are all values ​​embodied by our Tricolor, which we celebrate especially today, on the occasion of National Flag Day. A bridge that unites history and future, tradition and innovation, our roots with our tomorrow. Symbol of a strong and united Nation that is returning to assert itself in the world. Let's continue together to carry high our green, white and red flag. With pride, passion and determination. Long live the Tricolor, Long live Italy 🇮🇹"

6 January 2025

DogeDesigner on X: "Giorgia Meloni is someone that I admire that has done an incredible job as the Prime Minister of Italy. Italy is experiencing a record economic growth, record low unemployment. She's authentic, honest and truthful. 一 Elon Musk 🇺🇸🇮🇹" / X

4 January 2025

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Vado fiera dei dati sull'economia. Abbiamo il tasso di occupazione più alto dalla Spedizione dei Mille e il tasso di disoccupazione più basso da quando è stato lanciato il primo iPhone. Gli ultimi dati Istat relativi al terzo trimestre 2024 hanno confermato questa tendenza, e ci" / X "I am proud of the economic data. We have the highest employment rate since the Expedition of the Thousand and the lowest unemployment rate since the launch of the first iPhone. The latest Istat data for the third quarter of 2024 have confirmed this trend, and tell us that the employment rate has reached 62.4% and that unemployment continues to fall, with a reduction of 0.6% compared to the previous quarter. And I am particularly proud of the fact that, under the first government led by a woman, the female employment rate is the highest ever and that for the first time we have exceeded the threshold of ten million working women.

There is a huge and renewed confidence on the part of investors and markets in the Italian System. We have registered a record in demand for our government bonds, the spread is significantly lower than when we took office, the Italian Stock Exchange has reached a record and the rating agencies have improved their judgment. What some hoped would be the weak points of this government have become strong points. Of course, this does not mean that everything is fine in Italy and that all the problems have been solved, but the change of direction is there. Having said that, I am still convinced that we must and can always do more and better.

I spoke about these and many other topics in my interview published today by the weekly 7 of Corriere della Sera."

1 January 2025

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Il mio augurio è all'Italia. Che sia un 2025 di orgoglio, lavoro, benessere e di nuovi traguardi raggiunti insieme. Con la creatività e il genio che tutti ci riconoscono nel mondo. Io, come sempre, metterò tutta l'energia che ho per fare la mia parte. Buon anno a tutti!" / X My wish is for Italy. May it be a 2025 of pride, work, well-being and new goals achieved together. With the creativity and genius that everyone recognizes in us in the world. I, as always, will put all the energy I have to do my part.

Happy New Year everyone!

30 December 2024

Visegrád 24 on X: "Reaching the top in politics usually takes a long time. In the case of Giorgia Meloni, she started out in 1992 aged 15. Politico just picked her as the most influential person in the EU in 2024. This video is from when she became head of her party’s youth wing at the age of 19" / X

13 December 2024

Giorgia Meloni on X: "I dati Istat diffusi oggi e relativi al terzo trimestre 2024 confermano il buon andamento del mercato del lavoro. Cresce ancora il tasso di occupazione, che sale al 62,4%, e prosegue la riduzione del tasso di disoccupazione, che si attesta al 6,1%, con una diminuzione di 0,6%" / X  The Istat data released today and relating to the third quarter of 2024 confirm the good performance of the labor market. The employment rate continues to grow, rising to 62.4%, and the unemployment rate continues to decrease, standing at 6.1%, with a decrease of 0.6% compared to the previous quarter. These data represent a very encouraging sign. Supporting companies that create jobs and wealth is the path we have taken and that we will continue to follow, because it is the right one to get Italy running and competitive again.

26 November 2025

Giorgia Meloni on X: "L’approvazione del pagamento della sesta rata del PNRR certifica il primato europeo dell’Italia, a conferma del positivo lavoro del Governo, in costruttiva collaborazione con la Commissione europea, le amministrazioni titolari degli interventi e gli enti territoriali. Questo" / X   "The approval of the payment of the sixth installment of the PNRR certifies Italy's European primacy, confirming the positive work of the Government, in constructive collaboration with the European Commission, the administrations in charge of the interventions and the territorial bodies.

This result, together with the submission of the request for payment of the seventh instalment, expected in the coming weeks, demonstrates that the implementation of the Plan is proceeding on schedule and in compliance with all the objectives agreed at European level, the only objective evaluation parameters of the progress of the PNRR. I thank the Minister for the great work carried out in recent years in the implementation of the PNRR, which has allowed Italy to be the first nation in Europe in terms of number of objectives achieved, total resources received and formalized payment requests."

14 November 2024

Giorgia Meloni on X: "In un tempo di grandi trasformazioni, di cambiamenti che sono epocali nel modo di produrre, nel modo di lavorare e nel modo di investire, penso che il compito del Governo debba essere quello di accompagnare le piccole e medie imprese nelle sfide di questo tempo, fornire loro gli" / X        

Translated in English "In a time of great transformations, of changes that are epochal in the way of producing, in the way of working and in the way of investing, I think that the task of the Government must be to accompany small and medium-sized businesses in the challenges of this time, to provide them with the tools to unleash their potential to the maximum. I think of the attention to labor productivity, the need to guarantee generational turnover, the priority of ensuring the need for qualified personnel. And I think of cutting bureaucracy and the goal of building a State that is an ally of those who do business, and not an obstacle or an enemy.

The Government is constantly working on these and many other challenges. We have demonstrated this in these two years, and we are obviously committed to doing so in the next two, starting with the new budget law. A maneuver inspired by common sense and pragmatism, which concentrates the available resources to support companies that hire and create jobs, and to strengthen the purchasing power of families.

We have, in fact, stopped throwing citizens' money out the window, or on secondary or even useless things, if not counterproductive, and we have lowered taxes, despite the not exactly easy situation of the public accounts that we have inherited. We have made the tax wedge cut structural, we have extended the contribution exemption for working mothers with at least two children to self-employed workers and we have renewed the tax exemption for productivity bonuses and fringe benefits. We have confirmed the super deduction of 120% of the cost of labor for new hires, and chosen to refinance the New Sabatini, bringing the fund for 2025 to 607 million euros and increasing resources until 2029. And where did we get the money to do all this, since we don't have much money? Part of it comes from the new relationship we have built between the tax authorities and taxpayers, which has allowed us to have more revenue in the state coffers. Another part comes from the containment of spending by ministries, and another part from banks and insurance companies. It's something that no one had had the courage to do until now, and it represents a great novelty compared to the past.

13 November 2024

Giorgia Meloni on X: "I miei complimenti a @RaffaeleFitto, commissario italiano designato per la prossima Commissione Europea, per la competenza che ancora una volta ha dimostrato nell'audizione di stamattina al Parlamento Europeo. Una competenza che, nel merito, gli è valsa l'apprezzamento di" / X

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Baku, il mio intervento alla #COP29" / X  Her speech in Baku.

Giorgia Meloni on X: "Oggi ho ricevuto a Palazzo Chigi il Governatore della Florida, @GovRonDeSantis, in Italia alla guida di una missione economico-commerciale. Nel ricordare come la Florida sia il primo Stato americano per numero di imprese italiane, abbiamo condiviso la volontà di accrescere" / X Today I received at Palazzo Chigi the Governor of Florida, @GovRonDeSantis  , in Italy at the head of an economic-commercial mission. In recalling how Florida is the first American state in terms of number of Italian companies, we shared the desire to further increase investments and collaborations between the two sides of the Atlantic, also in new strategic sectors.

Ian Miles Cheong on X: "Giorgia Meloni’s government in Italy will not be allowed to deport illegal aliens according to judges who just ruled against her decision. They cited how Egypt has a poor human rights record and therefore sending illegals from Egypt back to their home country would potentially" / X  

 Elon Musk on X: "This is unacceptable. Do the people of Italy live in a democracy or does an unelected autocracy make the decisions?" / X

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