Sunday, 30 July 2023


Illegal migration causes prosperity and conflict

12 August 2023
12 August 2023
Singapore News publishes on August 7, 2023, in the Straight Times Debarshee Dasgupta - a reporter on India an article stating that migration and dug mafia are the causes of conflict between Matei and Kuki. It is wrong to say that Hindus and Christians are fighting with each other. It is the conflict of resources to capture the Poppy field and enjoy drug profits. This should be controlled by the local administration.
7 August 2023
After incident of Nuh in Haryana many Bangladeshis migrated within one day as reported. "संसद भवन से मात्र 45 किलोमीटर दूर मानेसर में एक जमीन को कब्जा करके रह रहे 500 से अधिक रोहिंग्या और बांग्लादेशी रातो रात कहां फरार हो गए कोई नहीं जानता हिंदुओं की पंचायत के बाद फरार हुए बांग्लादेशी @vinod_bansal  जी देखिये @HMOIndia  संज्ञान लीगीये ये सब फ़र्ज़ी आईडी वाले थे।"

3 August 2023
1. The only effective way of solving the minorities problem lies in population exchange. Until that is done, even with the creation of Pakistan, the problem of majority versus minority will remain. Transfer of minorities is the only lasting remedy for communal peace. - BR Ambedkar But Gandhi opposed it.

2. Manipur violence explained by Jaipal Datta - land resources, migration, and proselytization. 

30 July 2923 North East Indian News
Tripura Police is strongly determined to take action against illegal migration, including Rohingya, in coordination with other agencies. This year, till June, a total of 354 illegal immigrants, including Rohingyas and border touts/facilitators, have been arrested: Tripura Police.

It's been more than a month that the north-eastern state of Manipur is burning. Central and state governments have failed to bring peace and the issue is already sidelined in mainstream media. In 360 Degree with Anjilee Istwal, we delve deep into the issues of land and population growth that seem to be the often touted reasons for these clashes. While there must be undeniable immigration from the violence-hit country of Myanmar to the border state of Manipur, is it fair to brand a whole community as outsiders & terrorists?

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