People Without Borders International Relations Jaipal Datta's Blog
17 February 2025
COMBATE |🇵🇷 on X: "🇨🇳 China Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference: "Rivalry between big powers has brought disaster to humanity, as evidenced by the lessons of the two world wars in the not-so-distant past. Whether it is the colonial system or the core periphery structure," / X the core periphery structure, unequal orders are bound to meet their demise." "Will multipolarity bring chaos, conflict and confrontation? Does it mean domination by major countries and the strong bullying the weak? China's answer is we should work for an equal and orderly multipolar world."
"The world today is witnessing incessant chaos and confusion, and one important reason is that some countries believe might makes right and have opened a Pandora's box marked the law of the jungle.
In reality, all countries, regardless of size or strength, are, uh, stakeholders in international rule of law. The Multipolar paradigm must not be a state of disarray without norms and standards.
One may be at the table yesterday, but end up on the menu tomorrow. Major countries must take the lead in honoring their words and upholding rule of law and must not say one thing but do another or engage in zero sum game." "Protectionism offers no way out and arbitrary tariffs produce no winners. Decoupling deprives one of opportunities and a small yard with high fences only ends up restraining oneself. It is important to pursue open cooperation and support an equal and orderly multipolar world with a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. It is for this goal that China stays committed to sharing development opportunities with all countries. An Australian scholar called China an enabler, which I find very fitting. With a 5% GDP growth last year, China enabled nearly 30% of the world economic growth."12 November 2024
How did Marxism help capitalism to grow? Democrats in west follow the same policy of Indian Congress. The Chronology on X: "Deep State and Marxism (Thread) How Globalist used Marxism to shape World Order and to capture entire world If you see things in dots and pieces, U will never get the big picture but if U look things in sequence, You will get real meaning We are here to connect those date 1/24" / X
7 November 2024
After the 2024 US elections and the winning of Donald Trump New World Order may see a better world order. BRICS News on X: "JUST IN: 🇷🇺 Russian President Putin says the new world order has become the thing of the past. "The moment of truth is coming. The previous world order is irreversibly becoming a thing of the past. One can say it has become a thing of the past."" / X
3 October 2023
State capitalism does not survive for a longer duration. Shareholder capitalism survives when social responsibilities are ingrained into business motives. I wrote the same thing to @Chellany
Klaus Schwab says the world will no longer be run by superpowers like America… it will be run by the World Economic Forum stakeholders, such as BlackRock and Bill Gates.
28 September 2023
MEARSHEIMER: US hegemony and liberal ‘rules-based’ order is destined to collapse because:
1. Rise of China & Russia
means the US cannot dominate the world anymore
2. Countries are tired of following rules-based order while US follows ‘my way or the high way’ policy
Mexico at the UN: "It's not sufficient to reduce poverty; we need a shift in our development paradigms toward one which redistributes power and wealth, and one which narrows the unacceptable asymmetries between the rich and the poor and between countries". "We need to rethink development, and place equality at the heart of our work", based on "social justice and solidarity". This requires "necessary reforms of IFIs" (international financial institutions - like the IMF and World Bank)
26 September 2023
24 September 2023
Kamala Harris"Across our country, we are seeing a full-on attack against hard-won freedoms. The freedom to make decisions about your own body. The freedom to love who you love. The freedom to be free from gun violence. The freedom to vote. We have a responsibility to protect these freedoms."
Kamla Harris Vice President of America
24 September 2023
1. Helen Clark tweets “Every region needs technology, knowledge & local capacity to stop outbreaks when & where they occur; essential supplies to safeguard human life must be accessible. No country should be at the mercy of global markets to protect citizens”. #Pandemic HLM #UNGA78
2. LAVROV at the UN: "Right in front of our eyes, there is a new world order being born. Our future is being shaped by a struggle between the global majority, in favor of a fairer distribution of global benefits and civilizational diversity, and between the few who wield neocolonial methods of subjugation in order to maintain their domination, which is slipping through their hands."
3. FM #Lavrov: The issue today is not about giving our consent to a “rules-based world order” but about fulfilling the obligations all of us assumed by signing and ratifying the #UN Charter in their entirety and as a whole.
4. UNGA 78 Session in the United Nations - Speech by Lavrov - Russia.
21 September 2023
The Communists tweets:
"If Russia wins, no one will be safe anymore," US President Joe Biden says at the UN General Assembly. Tell that to the 100s of millions of victims of US imperialism. 3M Vietnamese 4M Koreans 3M indonesians 3M Iraqis 10M congolese The list is long And then the hundreds of millions who have died from poverty, malnutrition and related diseases as a result of their economic system of global slavery. What Biden is saying, really is: US Imperialism is falling. Celebrate! And put the boot in.
15 September 2023
President Vladimir #Putin: We can the changes that the global economy has experienced, including due to [Western countries], that are destroying the system of financial, trade, and economic relations that they had put much effort into building.
13 August 2023
"Household savings in bank accounts:
USA : $700 billion
: $18 trillion
Chinese are 25x wealthier than Americans!
Just borrowing money and spending it foolishly makes the US GDP look larger, but it’s not wealth.
Half of all Americans have less than $6000 in the bank. And the credit card debt is $1 trillion, with interest rates of 20%. Low wages, high cost of living, predatory capitalism, and a culture of brainwashed consumerism." S.L.Kanthan Tweets.
Savings is a habit of the individual culture of different nations. Indians save. Chinese save. But Americans consume. Americans feel more happy when they eat, drink, and be marry by consuming. Consumption is based on artificial demand created by propaganda of marketing for capitalism. This consumerism is anti-nature. Consumerism pollutes water, air, and earth. Hinduism counters it. Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism are branches of a tree known as Hinduism.
27 September 2022
United Nations working needs rethinking and discussions. "This is a direct hit on G7 countries in my opinion, when EAM openly declares the current framework of UN as unfair and anachronistic."
11 March 2022
(2) Professor Anne-Marie Brady (@Anne_MarieBrady) / Twitter
14 February 2022
"All of this adds up to a new Cold War – and an increasingly united Russia and China. For New Zealand, which for trade reasons has tried to fly under the radar and stay on good terms with everyone, this is not good news. Increasingly, it looks like New Zealand will be forced to pick a side". "The West – or the rest".
10 February 2022
Al Jazeera explains Minsk I and Minsk II agreement
The leaders of France, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine gathered in Minsk to mark the occasion and issued a declaration of support.
Following talks with his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts, Macron said on Tuesday that the Minsk II agreement – which was aimed at ending the war in eastern Ukraine – is the “only path on which peace can be built”.
The deal’s 13 points were:
- Immediate, comprehensive ceasefire.
- Withdrawal of heavy weapons by both sides.
- OSCE monitoring.
- Dialogue on interim self-government for Donetsk and Luhansk, in accordance with Ukrainian law, and acknowledgment of special status by parliament.
- Pardon, amnesty for fighters.
- Exchange of hostages, prisoners.
- Humanitarian assistance.
- Resumption of socio-economic ties, including pensions.
- Ukraine to restore control of state border.
- Withdrawal of foreign armed formations, military equipment, mercenaries.
- Constitutional reform in Ukraine including decentralization, with specific mention of Donetsk and Luhansk.
- Elections in Donetsk and Luhansk.
- Intensify Trilateral Contact Group’s work including representatives of Russia, Ukraine, and OSCE.
5 July 2019
New World Order - Putin Vladimir Putin interviewed by the Financial Times | FT - YouTube
The Financial Times is the first major international newspaper to be granted an interview with the Russian leader for 16 years. Here is the exclusive interview with editor Lionel Barber and Moscow bureau chief Henry Foy in full 0:00:08 How has the world changed over the last 20 years? 0:01:49 Has the world become more fragmented? 0:02:27 What do you want to achieve in Osaka? 0:04:31 OPEC oil production agreements 0:07:27 How does Trump compare to other US presidents? 0:10:54 Trump’s criticisms of European alliances 0:15:10 Globalisation vs ‘America First’ 0:16:25 Russia and China’s relationship 0:21:02 Danger of tensions between Russia America and China 0:24:05 Arms control 0:26:45 Potential for nuclear agreements 0:28:08 China’s maritime strength 0:30:45 North Korea 0:33:06 North Asia security situation 0:34:42 Has your appetite for risk increased? 0:36:51 Intervening in Syria 0:42:13 Venezuela 0:50:15 Anglo-Russian relations post Skripal 0:55:32 Did what happened in Salisbury send an unambiguous message to anyone who is thinking of betraying the Russian state that it is fair game? 0:57:04 Russia’s economy and foreign exchange reserves 1:04:18 Russia’s macro economic stability - oligarchs 1:06:05 Breakup of the Soviet Union vs China’s anticorruption campaign 1:09:30 Can Russian remain immune to backlashes against the establishment? 1:14:30 Did Angela Merkel make a mistake? 1:18:32 The end of the liberal idea 1:21:15 Religion is not the opium of the masses? 1:21:49 Is now the time for illiberals? 1:24:33 Who do you most admire? 1:26:10 How will your successor be chosen?
3 February 2022 Differentiate between electoral democracy and liberal democracy
Not really my area but liberal democracy is more than one person one vote (that's electoral democracy). It includes the protection of the rights and cultures of minorities who are disadvantaged and marginalized by majority rule. Chris wilson
23 July 2021
New World Order 23 July 2021
11 October 2018
New World Order by Jaipal Datta
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