Monday 24 June 2024

News from Europe

News Analysis confirms that World War I and World War II were not started by Germany but by the United States of America. World War III is being incubated in Europe, which may lead to massive destruction of property and mankind. Zelensky is only playing the wishes of warmongers, and greedy people can use many innocent leaders to protect their interests.

13 October 2024

12 October 2024

11 October 2024

10 October 2024

8 October 2024

7 October 2024

Orbán Viktor on X: "The number of #migrants in Hungary is zero. We will not surrender our country, we will not allow them to change our culture. #Hungary is our home, and we want to feel at home in it. #Pontida24 #StopMigration" / X (

Subramanian Swamy on X: "Turkey President has announced that Muslims of the world must unite to “exterminate” Jews including those in Israel, Bharat therefore must resolve to stand with Israel. Soon Christians will have to choose. A clash of civilisations will then begin as Nostradamus had predicted." / X (

Hen Mazzig on X: "Update from the Israel rally in London today: 0 arrests 0 public disorders 0 firecrackers shot at the police 0 police attacked 0 injured 0 calls for genocide 0 racism 0 hateful signs The police reported the protestors thanked them for their service." / X (

Update from the Israel rally in London today: 0 arrests 0 public disorders 0 firecrackers shot at the police 0 police attacked 0 injured 0 calls for genocide 0 racism 0 hateful signs The police reported the protestors thanked them for their service.

Keir Starmer on X: "7 October 2023 was the darkest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. One year on from these horrific attacks we must unequivocally stand with the Jewish community and unite as a country. We will not falter in our pursuit of peace and on this day of pain and sorrow, we" / X ( "we honour those we lost, and continue in our determination to return those still held hostage, help those who are suffering, and secure a better future for the Middle East."

4 October 2024

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Inzwischen sind die schweren Jahre der Massenarbeitslosigkeit im Osten vorbei. Das Wirtschaftswachstum ist im Osten höher als im Westen und die Lebenszufriedenheit der Deutschen hat sich in Ost und West weitgehend angeglichen. Die Deutsche Einheit ist eine Erfolgsgeschichte!" / X (

3 October 2024

Keir Starmer on X: "The UK is stronger when we work in lockstep with our closest international partners. This has never been more important with war, conflict and insecurity all knocking on Europe’s door. Better co-operation will secure our borders, keep us safe and boost economic growth." / X (

27 September 2024

Winston Peters on X: "We announce today New Zealand’s intention, as a voice for smaller states, to campaign for a seat on the Security Council for the 2039-40 term. That intention is supported by our enduring hope: - that the spirit of San Francisco can be reclaimed through the sincerity and moral" / X (

26 September 2024

ANI on X: "#WATCH | President Macron of France addressed the UN General Debate on 25th September, he said, "France is in favour of the Security Council being expanded. Germany, Japan, India and Brazil should become permanent members, as well as two countries that Africa would designate to" / X (

24 September 2024

Narendra Modi on X: "Met President @ZelenskyyUa in New York. We are committed to implementing the outcomes of my visit to Ukraine last month to strengthen bilateral relations. Reiterated India’s support for early resolution of the conflict in Ukraine and restoration of peace and stability." / X (

22 September 2024

Keir Starmer on X: "We are fixing the foundations and rebuilding our country. Change begins." / X (

🇷🇺Russia is not Enemy on X: "☝️ “I want to be heard by ordinary Western citizens: you are now being persistently persuaded that all of the difficulties you faced are the result of some hostile actions of Russia, that you should pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat out of your own wallet. It" / X (

21 September 2024

I advocate people without borders. But it does not mean that people can migrate illegally. Migration helps increase prosperity and GDP but culture and upbringing must be same. People around the world must learn culture and language of each other before migrating.       Politics UK on X: "🚨 NEW: Nigel Farage concludes: "We don't care about skin colour, orientation, we couldn't care less who you are. We care whether you share the values of this country" "Is that what everyone wants? Is that what we are going to fight for?" Huge cheers from audience" / X (

18 September 2024

Lee Harris on X: ""You can put a thousand new enforcement officers in place, but if the ECHR stops you deporting people, what difference does it make?" "A country is not a country without controlling its borders" @Nigel_Farage nails it! 🔥" / X (

Europe Invasion on X: "🚨BREAKING NEWS Spanish MEP Jorge Buxade presents 10 measures to wipe out islamism from Europe and announces ‘the biggest deportation plan ever known’ “Massive illegal and uncontrolled immigration is a crime and a threat to the survival of Europe”" / X (

15 September 2024

आखिर चीन और भारत को नजदीक ले आए पुतिन... भारत-चीन सीमा से पीछे हटी सेना! Explained by Ankit Sir (

9 September 2024

I advocate migration but based on my Indian experience. All citizens of the world are allowed to migrate with their identity cards and can work and stay wherever they want. In India, people migrate from Bihar to Punjab or Gujrat or Maharashtra but each person moves with their identity. Identity is important and counting is important for future planning and sustainable development.Europe Invasion on X: "🚨BREAKING NEWS Hungary was fined €200 million by the EU for opposing illegal immigration. In response, Hungary will start sending migrants to Brussels one-way by bus!" / X (

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Ich bin mir mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten einig, dass es eine weitere Friedenskonferenz geben muss, bei der Russland dann auch dabei ist." / X (

Listen to the video of John J. Mearsheimer, who was clear from the beginning that Ukraine must be neutral and west should not help Ukraine to wage a war with Russia. Hanjo Girke on X: "@Bundeskanzler War von Anfang an klar, dass es darauf hinauslaufen musste. Warum mussten nur vorher so viele Menschen in diesem vermeidbaren Krieg sterben? Warum musstet ihr unser historisches Versprechen bei der Wiedervereinigung brechen? Ehrlos." / X (

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Mit dem Sicherheitspaket sorgen wir dafür, den islamistischen Terrorismus besser zu bekämpfen und geben den Behörden mehr Handlungsmöglichkeiten bei irregularer Migration. Das künpft an die vielen wichtigen Maßnahmen an, die wir im Umgang mit Migration bereits eingeleitet haben" / X (  With the security package, we are ensuring that we can better combat Islamist terrorism and give the authorities more options to deal with irregular migration. This builds on the many important measures we have already introduced to deal with migration.

Orbán Viktor on X: "It is my pleasure to welcome President @GmahamatIdi in Hungary. The Republic of #Chad is a key country in the fight against illegal #migration. Migration from Africa to Europe cannot be stopped without the countries of the #Sahel region. That is why #Hungary is building a" / X (

8 September 2024

NATO is incubating war in Europe. Ukerain is only a scapegoat to use wasted war materials and try new one. MFA Russia 🇷🇺 on X: "🎙 Russian MFA Spox Maria #Zakharova's interview with @RT_com at the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum #EEF 💬 NATO doesn’t care about Ukraine. NATO countries are only interested in a “strategic defeat of Russia”, not the safety or security of the region 📹" / X (

5 September 2024

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Bei der Stationierung amerikanischer Raketen in Deutschland geht es um Abschreckung: Jeder Angriff auf uns muss ein Risiko für den Angreifer bedeuten. Das ist unser Beitrag zur Sicherheit unseres Landes und unser Beitrag zum Frieden in Europa." / X (  The stationing of American missiles in Germany is about deterrence: every attack on us must mean a risk for the attacker. This is our contribution to the security of our country and our contribution to peace in Europe.

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Zuwanderung ist nicht der Grund für unsere Probleme auf dem Wohnungsmarkt - eine meiner Antworten beim KanzlerGESPRÄCH in Berlin. Wir müssen bauen: Ohne zusätzliche Wohnungen gibt es keine Entlastung auf dem Markt. Danke für diese und die vielen weiteren Fragen!" / X ( Immigration is not the reason for our problems on the housing market - one of my answers at the Chancellor's TALK in Berlin. We have to build: without additional housing, there will be no relief on the market. Thank you for this and the many other questions!

Giorgia Meloni on X: "L’Italia cresce davvero solo se riesce a rimettere in moto tutta la sua economia e tutti i suoi territori. Ecco perché con questo governo gli investimenti al Sud sono aumentati del 50%. I dati del rapporto Svimez ci dicono che il Pil del Sud nel 2023 è cresciuto più della media" / X ( Objective data that disprove the umpteenth distorted narrative of the left, which tries to paint us as enemies of the South who want to split Italy with differentiated autonomy. They do it because they cannot tell the truth, and that is that what this Government is doing for the South, and for Italy as a whole, could have been done before, but they did not do it or preferred to carry out welfare policies based only on bonuses and useless electoral handouts, rather than investing in jobs and in the real and structural growth of the territory.

Times Algebra on X: "HUGE 🚨 Giorgia Meloni : "I am proud to be the Enemy of George Soros" "I am battling Soros's designs for a world without borders & identities" "For Soros I would be an enemy of the EU" "Europe's real enemies are those who speculate on misfortunes, finance mass immigration and" / X ( Soros favours world without borders. In other words Soros favours people without borders, which I am advocating. This does not mean loss of identity as understood by Giorgia Meloni.

2 September 2024

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Wir trauern um die Toten von #Solingen. Wir trauern mit ihren Angehörigen, mit allen in dieser Stadt, mit allen in Deutschland. Das Verbrechen trifft uns ins Herz, es macht uns zornig. Dass wir daraus Lehren ziehen, sind wir ihnen und ihren Angehörigen schuldig." / X (  We mourn the dead of #Solingen . We mourn with their relatives, with everyone in this city, with everyone in Germany. The crime hits us in the heart, it makes us angry. We owe it to them and their relatives to learn from it.

Keir Starmer on X: "I am completely shocked at the horrific and senseless killing of six hostages in Gaza by Hamas. My thoughts are with their loved ones at this awful time. Hamas must release all the hostages now, and a ceasefire deal must be agreed by all sides immediately to end the suffering." / X ( Hamas killed six hostages in Gaza.

The Labour Party on X: "With @Keir_Starmer as Prime Minister, this Labour Government will clean up the mess the Tories left behind." / X (

1 September 2024

Dr Poornima 🇮🇳 on X: "The reason why Poland has zero terrorist attacks and lowest unemployment. Rahul Gandhi, listen to this." / X ( because it did not allow illegal migrants.

30 August 2024

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Nach dem Terroranschlag in Solingen ziehen wir entschlossen die nötigen Konsequenzen: Abschiebungen werden erleichtert, die Behörden im Kampf gegen gewaltbereiten Islamismus gestärkt und das Waffenrecht weiter verschärft. All das umfasst unser #Sicherheitspaket." / X (  After the terrorist attack in Solingen, we are determined to draw the necessary conclusions: deportations will be made easier, the authorities will be strengthened in the fight against violent Islamism and gun laws will be further tightened. All of this is covered by our #Sicherheitspaket

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Die Leute haben wieder mehr Geld im Portemonnaie. Die Inflation sinkt, die Reallöhne steigen das fünfte Quartal in Folge. Vor allem Bürgerinnen und Bürger mit kleinem Einkommen profitieren. Gut so, wir bleiben dran!" / X ( People have more money in their wallets again. Inflation is falling, real wages are rising for the fifth quarter in a row. Citizens with low incomes are benefiting in particular. That's good, we'll keep at it!

29 August 2024

Keir Starmer on X: "We have a once in a generation opportunity to reset Britain’s relationship with Europe so we can deliver for the British people." / X

Keir Starmer on X: "Strengthening Britain’s relationship with Germany is crucial to tackling illegal migration and boosting economic growth across both of our countries." / X

20 August 2024

Unfortunately, Germany follows the same footprints and line of action as Germans did before World War II. Does this mean that history is repeating again and Germany will be divided again between America, England, France, and Russia? Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Deutschland ist und bleibt der stärkste Unterstützer der Ukraine in Europa. Und wir setzen die Unterstützung fort: mit einem 50-Milliarden-Euro-Kredit, den wir mit den G7 auf den Weg bringen. Damit kann die Ukraine in großem Umfang Waffen beschaffen. Darauf kann sie bauen." / X (

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Wie sichern wir gute Pflegebedingungen, schützen unsere Demokratie und handeln verantwortungsvoll in der Welt – beim #KanzlerGESPRÄCH in Bremen gab es viel zu besprechen. Auch, welche Werte mich antreiben: Gerechtigkeit. Frieden. Sicherheit. Danke für das tolle Gespräch." / X (

13 August 2024

The situation in the Middle East is deeply concerning. This evening, I spoke to Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian about the need for all parties to de-escalate to avoid further confrontation. Now is the time for calm.

12 August 2024 

Keir Starmer on X: "A joint statement from the leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom on the Middle East." / X (

8 August 2024

Keir Starmer on X: "This is the swift action we’re taking. If you provoke violent disorder on our streets or online, you will face the full force of the law." / X (

Sky News on X: "BREAKING: Three men jailed in Liverpool after disorder UK riots latest ➡️ 📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube" / X (

BRICS News on X: "JUST IN: 🇬🇧 United Kingdom may now arrest citizens for "retweets" deemed hateful." / X (

Russian Warships arrive in Venezuela. BRICS News on X: "🇷🇺 🇻🇪 Russian Warships arrive in Venezuela" / X (

Helen Clark on X: "Odd. First UK with #AUKUS. Then Germany signing military agreements with Philippines. Now Norway deploying. Don’t European countries have security concerns somewhat closer to home than in the Asia-Pacific?" / X (

7 August 2024

Ethnic violence continues in UK.Politics UK on X: "🚨 BREAKING: Prime Minister Keir Starmer speaking after the emergency COBRA meeting The meeting was called after what is set to be a 'big day' of unrest tomorrow Starmer says the criminal justice system has responded swiftly which should now deter rioters" / X (

6 August 2024

Keir Starmer on X: "This is not protest, it is pure violence. We will have a standing army of public duty officers. We will ramp up criminal justice. We will apply criminal law online as well as offline. We will not tolerate attacks on mosques or on Muslim communities." / X (

Amnesty International on X: "The UK Government’s response must protect at-risk communities and address the root causes of racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia." / X (

Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 on X: "Gangs of Muslim Defence League thugs roamed the streets attacking Brits at random, because Two-Teir Keir made working people a legitimate target. Leftist agitators like Nick Lowles spread disinformation online about Muslims being acid attacked. The blood is on their hands." / X (

William McGimpsey on X: "The unrest in the UK is the result of public policy failure. For decades now governments of both left and right have imported large numbers of immigrants against the wishes of the people. Then when an immigrant goes on a stabbing spree and ordinary Brits protest, the government" / X ( Governments all over the Western World are proposing to manage the ethnic conflict that predictably results from mass immigration and multiculturalism by implementing Orwellian police states and cracking down on hate speech and wrongthink - that’s what Kier Starmer is proposing in the UK and it’s what the Royal Commission into the Christchurch mosque attack recommended in New Zealand.

Cillian on X: "Marine Le Pen: “Mass Immigration has been a disaster. I will immediately expel ALL Islamist extremists, because there is no reason to keep people in our country who represent a danger to the safety of French citizens.” Every European country must do this immediately." / X ( France News.

5 August 2024

Is UK burning?

Keir Starmer on X: "I utterly condemn the far-right thuggery we have seen this weekend. Be in no doubt: those who have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law." / X (

Rishi Sunak on X: "The shocking scenes we’re seeing on the streets of Britain have nothing to do with the tragedy in Southport. This is violent, criminal behaviour that has no place in our society. The police have our full support to deal with these criminals swiftly and they must face the full" / X (

PM Keir Starmer Vows to Crack Down on 'Far-Right Thuggery' As UK Sees Riots Fueled By 'False Rumours' (

Politics UK on X: "🚨 BREAKING: Prime Minister Keir Starmer's full address to the nation about the riots on Britain's streets" / X (

UK protests: Hotel attacked and police injured in more clashes (

Lee Harris on X: "I can't believe it! The BBC reported at a peaceful pro-British protest where 250-300 Muslims turned up and charged at the police chanting 'Allahu Akbar' which enflamed tensions. Two-tier Keir's "far-right" narrative smashed by the BBC. 👀" / X (

Police officer injured after second hotel targeted in Tamworth (

Newspaper headlines: 'Far right rampage' and 'Robinson in Cyprus' (

3 August 2024

"Our country is coming to terms with an act so inexplicably vile. Our thoughts are with the families at the heart of this unimaginable pain. Let me be clear: the tiny, mindless minority in our society who provoked violent disorder on our streets will be made to face the full force of the law."

29 July 2024

Christianity compromised in Europe during the Olympic games. Collin Rugg on X: "JUST IN: Telecommunications company C Spire has removed all advertising from the Olympics after they mocked Christianity in their opening ceremony. C Spire is the sixth-largest wireless provider in the United States. "We were shocked by the mockery of the Last Supper during the" / X (

26 July 2024

BRICS News on X: "JUST IN: 🇮🇩 🇷🇺 Indonesia to purchase Russian oil despite Western sanctions." / X (

BRICS News on X: "🇷🇺 🇸🇾 Russian President Putin meets with Syrian President Assad to discuss resolving the ongoing crisis in the Middle East." / X (

25 July 2024

Can we choose who comes to Germany? The answer is yes. In other words, Olaf Scholz Chancellor of Germany accepts that migrants must be sent back, as they belong to other cultures. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Dürfen wir uns aussuchen, wer nach Deutschland kommt? Die Antwort lautet: ja. #Migration #SommerPK" / X ( Europe is learning from her past mistakes.

Other democracies of the world must learn from the Indian democracies and the behavior of people in a democratic country, for India is most populous democratic country with many religions, castes, and cultures. Political language is the same used by Keir Starmer and Olaf Scholz. Keir Starmer on X: "I am shocked and appalled by the news that a soldier has been attacked in Kent. All our thoughts are with the soldier, his family and our Armed Forces community, who serve to keep all of us safe. I wish him a swift recovery." / X (

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Politik bedeutet, was zu machen und nicht, Sprüche zu klopfen. Ich gehöre zu den Machern: Wir modernisieren das Land und sorgen für Wachstum. Das macht sich bemerkbar und war eines der vielen Themen in Saarbrücken bei meinem 14. #KanzlerGESPRÄCH. Danke für die vielen Fragen!" / X (

24 July 2024

Ukrainian President Zelensky says "we have to finish the war as soon as possible, not to lose people's lives."

22 July 2024

Oliver Stone on X: "This is the best single interview on #UKRAINE and #COVID I’ve seen. Economist Jeffrey Sachs and journalist Tucker Carlson’s interchange is crucial to understanding the miasma we’re living through. Our TV debates and interviews are surface only. Take your time. If you don’t have" / X ( Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He is the author of many best selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization. Here he is with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape. Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID's Origin (

COMBATE |🇵🇷 on X: "🇳🇮🇷🇺 Nicaragua President Ortega with Russian Duma Chairman Volodin: "NATO's sanctions on Russia only demonstrate that they are gangsters - the biggest gangsters on the planet... The US government is a gangster government, just like the European rulers." "The murderers send" / X ( "Let the NATO countries understand once and for all, that just as Napoleon couldn't defeat Russia, just as Hitler couldn't defeat Russia, they will not defeat Russia either. They are digging their own defeat."

Volodymyr Zelensky: "Today, the Commander of the Air Forces reported on the operations of our fire teams, the downing of "Shahed" drones, and countering Russian missiles. We can now say that our air defense has been strengthened. The German Patriot system has arrived in Ukraine, and I extend my gratitude to Germany and the United States for this step. We will be able to do more in the skies. While much work remains ahead and this is far from guaranteed protection, nonetheless, it means more power for Ukraine."

21 July 2024

Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil on X: "Putin: "I am not your friend, I am the President of Russia" When German journalists asked the very simplistic question on whether Putin considered himself a friend or a foe to the West- he answered neither. There is the simple concept of national interests, which may or may not" / X ( may or may not be at odds with other countries. Diplomacy is the art of being able to reconcile your national interests, alongside those of other States, compromising on certain aspects along the way. However, the opposing worldview has shown not to allow for mutual respect, nor for cooperation. Through a number of covert means, they ask for nothing less than for Russia to no longer ascertain its national interests.

The US broke Serbia. But Muslims were used as instruments. Russian Market on X: "NATO bombed a capital of Europe for 78 days to break Serbia and create Kosovo with largest military base in Europe - Jeffrey Sachs to Tucker Carlson - Wasnt it to save Muslims in Kosovo? - No, it was very much to save military industrial complex to have nice locations in Europe" / X (

19 July 2024

ITV News Politics on X: "Starmer announces £84m of funding for Africa and the Middle East in a bid to stop migrants coming to the UK 'To stop illegal migration, we must also tackle it at source', PM says" / X ( 

Vonderleyen is reelected as President of the European Union Commission. Keir Starmer on X: "Congratulations @vonderleyen on your re-election as President of the @EU_Commission. I look forward to working closely with you to reset the relationship between the UK and the European Union." / X ( Italy did not vote for Vonderleyen. Giorgia Meloni on X: "Fratelli d'Italia ha deciso di non votare per la riconferma di Ursula von der Leyen a Presidente della Commissione europea. Siamo rimasti coerenti con la posizione espressa al Consiglio europeo di non condivisione del metodo e del merito." / X (

Keir Starmer on X: "The work of change, to reset relationships with our European neighbours, began today." / X ( 

Keir Starmer on X: "European security is at the forefront of my government’s foreign and defence priorities. We will only be able to secure our borders, drive economic growth and defend our democracies if we work together. It’s time to reset our relationship with Europe." / X (

Concerned Citizen on X: "🚨🌎 Breaking - Polish MEP DESTROYS Criminal EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen in European Parliament ‼️ “You should go to prison, not the European Commission” ‼️ “You are the face of the EU Migration Pact - how can you not be ashamed of promoting something that leads to millions" / X ( millions of Women & children across Europe feeling threatened on the streets of their own cities”| “You are responsible for every rape, every assault & every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal migrants”|“You are the face of the European economy & agriculture which is destroying both”| “You are the face of the EU Climate craziness which leads to Europeans becoming poorer & poorer” BRICS News on X: "🇵🇱 🇪🇺 Polish MEP says President of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen "should go to prison."" / X (

Orban Victor tries to convince EU leaders to make a shift from war to peace in Europe. Orbán Viktor on X: "#EPCSummit in Blenheim. Thousands and thousands are dying on the battlefield every day. We will find no #peace on the battlefield, but only at the negotiating table. My goal is to convince European leaders to make a shift to a pro-peace policy." / X (

Keir Starmer on X: "We cannot let the challenges of the past define our relationships of the future. My government’s new approach to Europe, to make our country safer and more secure, starts today at the European Political Community summit." / X (

Giorgia Meloni on X: "È la prima volta che la sfida del governo dei flussi migratori entra nell'agenda dei lavori della Comunità Politica Europea (CPE) e che ad essa viene dedicata una specifica tavola rotonda, che sono molto felice di aver co-presieduto insieme al collega albanese @ediramaal al" / X ( "It is the first time that the challenge of managing migratory flows enters the agenda of the work of the European Political Community (EPC) and that a specific round table has been dedicated to it, which I am very happy to have co-chaired together with my Albanian colleague @ediramaal  at today's Summit at Blenheim Palace in the UK. This is a phenomenon that affects everyone and that we must face together, intensifying the fight against that modern form of slavery which is human trafficking, addressing the root causes of migration and guaranteeing everyone's first right: not having to migrate.

It is essential that we never lose sight of the centrality we must give to the external dimension, just as we must not be afraid to explore innovative solutions, such as the one we have started with the Italy-Albania protocol. It is a new, courageous, unprecedented path, but which perfectly reflects the spirit of the EPC and which has all it takes to be followed with other non-EU nations as well."

18 July 2024

UK Labour party leader speaks about his vision and planning for his term.

 This is a government of service. Today we set out new laws to deliver change in every corner of the country. Watch here.

17 July 2024

Labor government won in the United Kingdom after a long time and Keir Starmer is elected new Prime Minister to lead Britain after Rishi Sunak lost its elections. Keir Starmer vows to make Britain secure at home and abroad. Surprisingly no politician talks about human values and Vasudhaive Kutumbakam except Indian Hindu leaders. If the politicians divide planet on the basis of territory, caste and religion then conflict can never be minimized. Change is required in thinking of the people of the world. People without borders object to these views of politicians. Keir Starmer on X: "My government will deliver change to make Britain secure at home and strong abroad." / X (

World War III is knocking at Europe's doors. Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil on X: "Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico published an address to the nation on his social media. Here are his key points: - On July 1, I made my first public appearance, which infuriated the liberal opposition and their media. - I would like to remind you that we are gradually" / X (

🇷🇺Russia is not Enemy on X: "☝️“Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, the NATO movement. They every time provoke Russia to protect its interests, then they say ‘here is evil Russia taking such and such steps’. Stop provoking Russia to do that, and we will not do” - President Putin" / X (

DD Geopolitics on X: "🇷🇺🇺🇳 All NATO actions based on ensuring US dominance - Lavrov at UNSC “If you obey the rules of the hegemon you’re free to do as you wish; but if you dare defend your national interests you’ll be declared a pariah,” he said after citing George Orwell’s Animal Farm to expose the" / X (

BRICS News on X: "🇭🇺 Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orbán "The European Union is a brilliant idea, but its implementation has gone wrong. We want a union of European nations, not a United States of Europe."" / X (

13 July 2024

 “If someone decides to destroy Russia, then we have the legal right to respond. Yes, it will be a global catastrophe for the mankind. But, as a citizen of Russia, I want to ask: Why do we need such a world, if Russia will not be there?” - President Putin

Peace Mission 5.0 It was an honor to visit the President at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make #peace. The good news of the day is that he’s going to solve it!

Russian Foreign Minister says if Ukraine joins NATO "either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does."

8 July 2024

@PM_ViktorOrban  on Kossuth Radio: We must talk about peace because if we don't talk about peace, we don't talk about the misery of war. Our real enemy is not one country or another, but the misery of war. 🧭 This is the compass to take in hand. Europe should hold the compass of peace and humanity, of humane thinking, and of humane foreign policy, so we could do more to move us toward peace.

25 June 2024

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Die Antwort auf marode Brücken und Straßen kann nur sein, weiter zu investieren – in Infrastruktur und Modernisierung. Dafür geben wir dieses Jahr über 100 Milliarden Euro aus. Klar ist: Zukunftsinvestitionen für unser Land werden auch nächstes Jahr hohe Priorität haben. #TDI24" / X (

24 June 2024

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Für mich ist klar: Wir werden den Sozialstaat verteidigen und entwickeln. Mindestlohnerhöhung, stabile Rente und mehr Kindergeld - das sind bereits wichtige Verbesserungen. #berichtausberlin" / X (

Housing must be payable by all. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Wohnen muss bezahlbar bleiben. Dafür sorgen wir – durch schnellere Verfahren, weniger Bürokratie sowie mehr Mittel für den sozialen Wohnungsbau. #berichtausberlin" / X (

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz on X: "Wer arbeiten kann, soll das auch tun: Deswegen haben wir beim Bürgergeld nachgeschärft und setzen mehr Anreize, wieder in den Job zu finden. #berichtausberlin" / X (

Friday 21 June 2024

New Zealand News

 Jaipal Datta with Honourary Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand Winston Peters 

                       History Warrior - The Māori: Guardians of New Zealand's Cultural... | Facebook

                                                  Maori Queen since 5 September 2024 

Ngā Wai hono i te po Paki is relatively young, in her late 20s (27 Year), and is Tūheitia’s only daughter. She is a graduate of the University of Waikato, and studied a Masters in Tikanga Māori after completing a Bachelor of Arts.

Te Whakawahinga - the process of anointing the Māori monarch - is steeped in tikanga, a tradition which began with her tupuna, the first Māori King.

There have been eight leaders of the Kīngitanga movement: (Reported by Stuff reporter Florence Kerr on 5 September 2024.

  • Pōtatau Te Wherowhero 1858-1860
  • Tāwhiao 1860-1894
  • Mahuta 1894-1912
  • Te Rata 1912-1933
  • Koroki 1933-1966
  • Te Atairangikaahu 1966-2006
  • Tūheitia 2006-2024
  • Ngā Wai hono i te po 2024

13 October 2024

11 October 2024

Christopher Luxon meets Narendra Modi at the East Asia Summit on 10 October 2024

Christopher Luxon on X: "With so many Indians making New Zealand their second home, India is an important and special country for New Zealand. I was pleased to meet with Prime Minister @narendramodi at the East Asia Summit to discuss the opportunities our countries have before us." / X (

Now in opposition, labor leader and ex-Prime Minister of New Zealand writes on X. Helen Clark on X: "A #NZ-India FTA will not be easy, which is not to say it should not be attempted. But not seeing any reporting on whether PM sat down with Premier of NZ’s largest trade partner. Is that happening, or did neither side want to meet even in a pull aside? Odd." / X (

Long live this association and friendship of New Zealand, Canada, and Australia. Soon these countries should declare "one country, currency, and welfare state", which should be guiding force to all states of the world. 

Christopher Luxon on X: "As leaders of Australia, Canada and New Zealand, we met today to reaffirm our shared values and commitment to work together on international trade, the rule of law, climate change action, and international peace and security." / X (

Christopher Luxon on X: "New Zealand and Thailand have a shared goal of tripling our two-way trade by 2045. Today, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra and I discussed how we deliver on this and our wider relationship uplift: we are going to do more together on security, economic links, and" / X (

Christopher Luxon on X: "New Zealand and the Philippines are great friends, and we’re looking forward to doing more together. President @bongbongmarcos and I met today on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit to continue that partnership." / X (

Helen Clark on X: "Congratulations @TFletcher on your appointment as U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator. Your humanity & diplomatic experience make you the right person to lead the UN’s 🇺🇳 humanitarian teams at this time of much crisis. Wishing you all the best as you take the helm at @UNOCHA." / X (

7 October 2024

1. Winston Peters on X: "One year ago today, Israel faced the worst terrorist attack in its history. New Zealand was horrified to see 1,200 people killed and 251 taken hostage by Hamas on this deeply traumatic day. We continue to condemn this monstrous terrorist attack unequivocally.   New Zealand shares" / X ( New Zealand shares the heartache and deep concern for the fate of the hostages still being held in Gaza. Since 7 October, we have consistently called for their immediate release, and we will keep doing so. 

New Zealand has always advocated for a world where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace, security, and dignity. We continue to call for an end to the violence in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and the wider region, and for negotiations towards a two-state solution to the current crisis.

2. Christopher Luxon on X: "On October 7 we remember the horrific terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas. It is reprehensible that a year on from these attacks, Hamas continues to hold hostages. Now, as then, we call on Hamas to release all remaining hostages immediately." / X (

3 October 2024

ɴᴢ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ on X: "Ngāpuhi Treaty Negotiations What they didn't tell you in tonight's news story. 1. Ngāpuhi broke Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Government, with supporting Maori tribes, defeated them and confiscated their lands. The settlement they discuss in this story is to do with the return of" / X (  Following is from twitter.

"The New Zealand Wars began with fighting between Ngāpuhi and a government force at Kororāreka (Russell) in the Bay of Islands. The major causes were the concern of some Ngāpuhi that the moving of the capital from the Bay to Auckland had hurt them economically, and that the Crown was exceeding its authority in the area. Hōne Heke Pōkai and his supporters cut down the flagstaff at Kororāreka four times to make this point. Other hapū of Ngāpuhi led by Tāmati Wāka Nene sided with the British. On 11 March 1845 Heke, Te Ruki Kawiti and Pūmuka led an attack on Kororāreka, which was defended by English settlers and a British naval force led by Acting Commander David Robertson of HMS Hazard. Pākehā were evacuated from the town after a powder magazine blew up." Later, in 1858, Hōne Heke's tribe (Ngāpuhi) re-erected the flagpole at Russell and said: "We have a Queen, Queen Victoria. Which is what we agreed to in the Treaty". Then, in 1860, Maori chiefs reaffirmed their understanding of the sovereignty of the Queen in a meeting with Governor Thomas Gore Browne at Kohimarama, Auckland. Around 129 chiefs attended. Here's what some of them said: - Wikiriwhi Matehonoa of Ngati Porou: "We are all under the sovereignty of the Queen" - Horomona Toremi of Ngati Raukawa in Otaki: "You over there (the Pakehas) are the only chiefs... Let there be one word for all this land". - Tamati Waka Nene, one of the leaders who signed at Waitangi, said: "I know no sovereign but the Queen, and I never shall know any other. I am walking by the side of the Pakeha". McQueen, Ewen (2020). One Sun in the Sky: The untold story of sovereignty and the Treaty of Waitangi. First Edition. New Zealand: Benefitz Ltd. Now watch the the 1News video below that says nothing about these facts. For further research, look into how much land Ngāpuhi claimed in the Musket Wars. Date: 2024-10-02 Source: TV1 News at 6PM Reporter: Yvonne Tahana Copyright Authority: Fair Dealing

2 October 2024

Winston Peters on X: "New Zealand unequivocally condemns Iran’s attack on Israel overnight.   This is the kind of escalation New Zealand and partners have been warning against. Civilians throughout the Middle East are already enduring intolerable suffering through continued conflict. We urge all" / X (

ACT New Zealand on X: "ACT statement on Iranian missile attack "Israel is now under fire from three directions," says @SimonCourtACT. "The precarious position of Jewish people in the Middle East should have been clear before Hamas invaded Israel and massacred its civilians. Then Hezbollah started" / X ( "Far too many New Zealanders have naively supported this proxy war by participating in Iran’s international propaganda campaign. Demonising the people of Israel has softened up the international community for an all-out assault on the only functional democracy in the Middle East.

"Iran and its allies are actively hostile to our values of democracy, freedom, and religious tolerance. Their goal is not justice, it is extermination. It is time for New Zealand politicians and activists to put down the kaffir scarves, condemn Iran and its proxies, and start doing right by Jewish people who deserve a place to call home."

30 September 2024

Kelvin Morgan 🇳🇿 on X: "An ever defiant soon to be Deputy PM David Seymour refusing to give Q+A’s Jack Tame a straight answer this morning when put to him is there any point going through a 6 month Select Committee process for his doomed Treaty Principles Bill when Luxon has repeatedly made it clear" / X (

New Zealand First on X: "Winston Peters: They agreed to close Marsden Point, never told the workers, unions or the North" / X ( Some industries are closing in NZ without taking workers in confidence, said Winston Peters.

28 September 2024

Holyhekatuiteka on X: "140 year old meat processing factory and 660 Jobs in Timaru likely gone. This is what is killing our economy. Land use change due to progressive policy and the resulting declining farm land, which in turn has led to a significant decline in Animals. In the 50’s - 70’s When NZ" / X (  "Although this has been going on for sometime, it escalated under Ardern when she sent David Parker to goose stepping through NZ to kneecap farmers with unrealistic and unworkable fresh water laws. Farmers are walking away. I know several farming families who have farmed for generations discouraging their own children from farming. What’s interesting in the below clip is an E Tu Union Member openly criticising the change in land use, and yet it’s the party’s they support that helped bring this industry to its knees. We need to get this country back working or we will become like Sri Lanka, a country convinced to embrace progressive farming which led to massive crop failures and a failed state, and now has installed an Openly Marxist leader. That country will end up in China’s hands soon enough."

David Seymour on X: "During school hours, students should be in school learning, not out protesting. My expectation is that schools will treat students protesting today as explained but unjustified absences." / X (

New Zealand First on X: "Shane Jones: If you do not work, society does not owe you a living" / X (

William McGimpsey on X: "The Alliance freezing works in Timaru is going to close down: 600 people will lose their jobs. Declining stock numbers are the main reason. It’s bad enough that New Zealand’s people are being subjected to a Great Replacement, but now our sheep are too." / X (

27 September 2024

Winston Peters on X: "🗣️ The Minister has delivered a speech to a UN Security Council High-Level Debate on “Leadership for Peace”. “We must be resolute in our commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes. All states must refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity" / X ( “We must be resolute in our commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes. All states must refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or sovereignty of any state. Members of the Security Council are no exception.”

Winston Peters on X: "New Zealand never wants to experience the catastrophe of another World War. There must never be another San Francisco conference picking up the pieces after another descent into global annihilation and human suffering.   So we must do more. Demand more. And deliver more. We" / X ( "We must reject and resist those who seek to conquer and control. We must always seek the path of peace because the lasting victories of humanity are those of peace, not war."

Carl Worker on X: "And there is no national security without economic security." / X (

5 September 2024

RNZ Te Ao Māori on X: "One of the core beliefs at Tuurangawaewae Marae is that 'no one should go home hungry', and the people of Tainui have epitomised the Māori value of Manaakitanga - or hospitality - during the tangihanga of Kiingi Tuheitia." / X (

31 August 2024

Christopher Luxon on X: "Kiingi Tuheitia was a humble leader, and it was through that humility that he held his influence. I just paid my respects to him at Tūrangawaewae Marae, just as thousands of people will do over the coming days." / X (

29 August 2024

Christopher Luxon on X: "Kua riro atu ra a Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero te Tuawhitu. E Te Kiingi Māori, takoto mai I te arikitanga o te pō. Haere atu ra! Today, we mourn the loss of Kiingi Tuheitia. His unwavering commitment to his people and his tireless efforts to uphold the values and" / X (

28 August 2024

Christopher Luxon on X: "New Zealand and Samoa have a very special friendship. Was glad to talk about that and more with Prime Minister Fiame at the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga today." / X

Chris Hipkins on X: "The National government cut $2billion of school building projects to pay for tax cuts. Now they are spending millions on new Beehive offices for 3 ministers. As usual, they have a good-plated standard for themselves and offer crumbs for everyone else." / X

Chris Hipkins on X: "Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters today rejected the scientific evidence around climate change saying nobody agrees with NIWA data on the subject. His chasing of the conspiracy theorist vote is undermining his role as our chief diplomat and making NZ look like climate deniers" / X

Helen Clark on X: "NZ Govt #fasttrack bill does not require govt-appointed expert panel assessing applications to consider environmental implications. Projects to be listed in Schedule 2 of Bill won’t be disclosed to parliamentary committee considering Bill. Very disturbing:" / X

Helen Clark on X: "Yikes 😱! Warning of mass airport security layoffs if 1 way or another @CivilAviationNZ doesn’t get more funding from govt or user pays. Strong civil aviation services are vital for travellers & for NZ’s reputation for airport safety." / X

Christopher Luxon on X: "Thanks to Prime Minister @Huakavameiliku of Tonga for a warm welcome and hospitality as host and chair of PIF. Today we discussed our shared bilateral and Pacific priorities and reaffirmed New Zealand’s close relationship with Tonga by renewing our Statement of Partnership." / X

Christopher Luxon on X: "Spent some time with Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape this evening on the sidelines of the Pacific Islands Forum. Good to reconnect with a firm friend." / X

24 August 2024

Wastewater treatment in New Zealand. 

22 August 2024

Christopher Luxon on X: "Today I challenged councils to rein in the fantasies and get back to basics. Pick up the rubbish. Fix the pipes. And fill in the potholes." / X (

Chris Hipkins on X: "David Seymour’s new gold-plated regulation bureaucracy shows his hypocrisy. His new regulation ministry will have more than 90 staff earning on average over $150,000 a year. I guess it’s just everyone else who needs to tighten their belts eh David…" / X (

William McGimpsey on X: "Yesterday another report was released alleging “systemic bias” against Maori in the Police Service. Maori are arrested more often because they commit more crime, not because police are biased. Look at the crime rate differential between men and women - does anyone seriously" / X (  Maori are arrested more often because they commit more crime, not because police are biased. Look at the crime rate differential between men and women - does anyone seriously entertain the idea that men are arrested and imprisoned more often than women because of “systemic misandry”? Of course not. It’s ridiculous. Men just just commit more crime so they get arrested and imprisoned more often. The entire “systemic bias” narrative is an ideological-based lie which is advanced in order to secure favourable treatment for Maori and other favoured minorities and to tilt the playing field against the hated straight white male. We hear a lot about the public “losing trust in institutions”, but rather than pointing the finger at populists, how about the institutions take a good hard look at this sort of ideological garbage which they constantly pump out and endorse. People don’t trust you because of this sort of crap.

20 August 2024

New Zealand argues and follows Indian democracy stating that National is polarising the society. Chris Hipkins on X: "It seems this current government have yet to encounter a red neck they don’t want to scratch. They use all things Māori as a wedge to divide New Zealand, when we should do the opposite. We should be bringing people together." / X (

Detailed report on Maori ɴᴢ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ on X: "Maori leaders purposely mislead New Zealanders Tukoroirangi Morgan (Waikato): "You've thrown Maori under the bus" Rahui Papa (Waikato-Tainui): "Get rid of all the Maori bashing racist bills and policies and procedures" Rahui Papa misleads New Zealanders by saying the" / X (  Firstly, The Treaty of Waitangi is an historical document and can't be rewritten. The Waitangi Tribunal purposely refers to it as the Treaty to incite anger in Maori. What they're actually referring to are the "Treaty Principles" that were never codified in the original Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975, and because of this, multiple interpretations have been used instead and sometimes they actually contradict the intentions of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Act's Treaty Principles Bill is far closer to the actual meaning in the Treaty than the fabricated Principles presently being referred to. The Waitangi Tribunal can't be trusted. Ngāpuhi (NZ's largest tribe) leader David Rankin wants The Waitangi Tribunal ended. He accuses it of being a bully, inventing history and delivering New Zealand into apartheid.

My favourite quote from this news story was by Winston Peters: "We're getting things on even keel for the first time in a very long time" which reveals the true intention of the Governments changes. Would be nice if TV news showed that side of the story.

William McGimpsey on X: "The Government is (successfully) rolling back a series of Iwi privileges that the previous Labour Government tried to ram through. In the short term, yes, it will “raise tensions” as Iwi fight to keep their privileges, but it’s what’s best for NZ in the long-run." / X (

19 August 2024

Christopher Luxon on X: "Today in Ngāruawāhia, I attended Kiingi Tuheitia’s 18th Koroneihana. Here I confirmed that National wouldn’t support the Treaty Principles Bill past first reading." / X (

Corruption in New Zealand. 1News on X: "#WATCH: NZ has benefited from a reputation for having low levels of corruption compared to other nations, but a new report warns the country is at risk of complacency 👇" / X (

16 August 2024

Holyhekatuiteka on X: "🚩NZ’s Energy Crisis fuelled by runaway ridiculous and dangerous Immigration levels🚩 Harvey Weake is a NZ Energy expert with over 3 decades of experience as an Industry Captain. He spoke to RCR about our energy crisis. The causes of our dilemma that could mean rolling" / X ( Energy crisis is due to migration. New movement is starting in New Zealand.

13 August 2024

Todd McClay on X: "A pleasure meeting with Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairying @Rajivranjanlalan today.  New Zealand and India are united in our commitment to good animal husbandry practices, animal health and welfare, and the success of our respective dairy sectors." / X (

India in New Zealand on X: "#PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay The Partition Horrors Remembrance Day commemorated to pay homage to the millions who suffered inhumane pains, lost lives, turned homeless during this most painful episode of our history. @MEAIndia @IndianDiplomacy @mygovindia @sidhant @PIB_India" / X (

8 August 2024

Helen Clark on X: "“High-profile Australian defence thinker Hugh White says signing up to Aukus means backing a US strategy that will fail and risked nuclear war.” Hard to comprehend what advantage any #NZ Govt would see in signing up to it. Source: The Post" / X (

Helen Clark on X: "Odd. First UK with #AUKUS. Then Germany signing military agreements with Philippines. Now Norway deploying. Don’t European countries have security concerns somewhat closer to home than in the Asia-Pacific?" / X (

7 August 2024

Australian defence expert cautions NZ over AUKUS Pillar 2 | RNZ 

An Australian defence and foreign policy expert is cautioning New Zealand against joining AUKUS Pillar Two.

Pillar Two of the security partnership between Australia, the UK and the US focuses on developing and sharing military technology between the group, including drones and hypersonics.

Foreign Minister Winston Peters says New Zealand is "investigating" joining AUKUS Pillar Two, while the Prime Minister, Chrisopher Luxon told the Financial Times recently, New Zealand was "very open" to it.

Former Prime Minister Helen Clark and former National and ACT Party leader Don Brash have teamed up to oppose any such move, saying it would be a radical change in NZ's foreign policy, which could upset our biggest trading partner, China.

Australian National University Emeritus Professor Hugh White is in New Zealand at the invitation of Miss Clark and Dr Brash and joins Paddy Gower in studio.

6 August 2024

Helen Clark on X: "“#AUKUS is, amongst other things, a gesture, symbol, statement of support for an approach to challenge we are facing about the future of the international order in Asia, which I think is dangerous and destined to fail.” Wise words from Prof Hugh White:" / X (

5 August 2024   

Helen Clark on X: "“China stands to lose more than it gains in collapsing rules-based order. Chinese economy heavily depends on stability of international system both to acquire resources needed to feed its industrial base & provide markets for goods its businesses produce”:" / X (

30 July 2024

"Labour now relies on ideological soundbites as a basis of their policy making - which when given even a cursory glance are totally bereft of any facts. They have become the ‘party of moral outrage’ – obsessed with accusations, ‘gotcha politics’, woke ideology, and opposing anything that happens to float by.

The spiritual home of the Labour Party is the West Coast – the site of the miners’ strike in 1908 which spawned the party that used to represent the workers of New Zealand – the gold miners, the coal miners, the labourers, the foresters, the fisheries, the hard working blue-collar battlers of our country. The catch cry was ‘a fair day’s pay, for a fairs day’s work’. They represented those workers in the very industries which have now become the anathema of who and what the Labour Party represents today." Winstonpeters

26 July 2024

India in New Zealand on X: "HC met Linda Sissons, Acting Chief Executive & Sahinde Pala, General Manager from @educationnz & discussed the upcoming Education conference as India is privileged to be Country of Honour. They also expressed keenness to further cooperation to support Indian students. @meaindia1" / X (

21 June 2024

India and New Zealand deepen people-to-people ties. Narendra Modi on X: "I thank Prime Minister @Chrisluxonmp for his call and warm felicitations. Reiterated our firm commitment to take forward India-New Zealand ties, which are rooted in shared democratic values and people-to-people ties. Appreciate his efforts towards the security and well-being of" / X (

Should there be fast-track courts to resolve conflict? Justice delayed is justice denied.

Helen Clark on X: "Former Justice Secretary: #fasttrack bill “would set precedent 4 increasingly authoritarian legislation in spiral he compared 2 rise of modern Hungary or Nazi Germany”. “it’s radical, dangerous, unacceptable, unnecessary, undemocratic, fundamentally flawed" / X ( 

Helen Clark on X: "#NZ PM’s interview with ⁦@FT⁩ indicated that a hard reset of NZ foreign policy is underway, leading to increased defence spending & military deployments as a full-fledged US ally & with huge risks to the relationship with NZ’s largest trade partner:" / X (