8 September 2023
Sad Guru informs about Bharat's name and India. "‘Nation’ is just an idea. When this idea burns through your mind and sinks into your heart and your passion rises towards the idea, we have a Nation. ‘Bharat’ is a cultural identity that resonates in everybody’s mind and can evoke this passion. India is an English name. Bharat as an utterance itself reverberates in everybody’s hearts and minds." Bharat Mata Ki Jai. -Sg
India's name was given by English people to enslave people living in an area known as Bharat. https://twitter.com/SadhguruJV/status/1699322312577994903
7 September 2023
India is transforming. The magnificent Nataraja statue at Bharat Mandapam brings to life aspects of our rich history and culture. As the world gathers for the G20 summit, it will stand as a testament to India's age-old artistry and traditions. https://twitter.com/narendramodi/status/1699327994761036233
3 September 2023
RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat - "Bharat is a Hindu land with Hindu culture where everyone has a bond. People should use the name Bharat instead of India. The name Bharat has been continuing since ancient times and must be taken forward. It's a Hindu nation whether some accept it or not." https://twitter.com/TimesAlgebraIND/status/1697894642656931960
3. देश को आजादी चाहिए
भृष्टाचार से तुष्टिकरण से वंशवाद से जुमलेबाज़ों से फ़र्ज़ी प्रचारों से झूठ फैलाने वालों से लंबे उबाऊ भाषणों से मज़दूर की मजबूरियों से ग़रीब विरोधी नीतियों से महँगाई फैलाने वालों से बेरोज़गारी बढ़ाने वालों से अन्याय और अन्यायियों से सरकार की कमज़ोरियों से कुशासन की परेशानियों से षड्यंत्र और षड्यंत्रकारियों से अत्याचार और अत्याचारियों से जनता को गुमराह करने वालों से नफ़रत और नफ़रत फैलाने वालों से पूँजीपतियों के आगे नतमस्तक शासन से आप सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ।
4. Indian Independence dated 14 August 2023 https://unnwo.blogspot.com/2023/08/indian-independence.html
5. Modi's India | https://unnwo.blogspot.com/2023/03/modis-india.html |
Jaipal Singh Datta
Social media is uniting people and the views of people are transparent. Now people know who is advocating what and for what purpose. Selfishness and greed is more visible to people and the states.
कितना खुश होते हैं ये लोग ये दिखाने में कि भारत के लोग खुश नहीं हैं
किस चमन ने बनाई है ये रिपोर्ट जो कह रही है कि पाकिस्तान/यूक्रेन/फ़िलिस्तीन जो भीख माँग रहे हैं,खाने को आटा नहीं है,जहाँ रोज बम फट रहे हैं वो भारत के लोगों से ज़्यादा खुश हैं ?
This report is retweeted many times by those who want to demean Indians, while this report is with motive oriented. Consider in the 1980s one could pay some money to some firm in Europe and get a certificate that Golden Eagle Beer is the best beer in the world. In the same way, some people are happier than others, demeaning people of Asian and African countries. Colonialism is spreading its wings again in a different way. People must challenge this neo-colonialism with neo-marxism.
11 March 2023
News 24 journalist tried his best to put words in the mouths of Muslim Modi supporters but in vain. Muslims of the most populated state of Uttar Pradesh, India confirmed that the BJP government of India is practicing policies without any favor of caste and religion."We want respect, not money" said one Muslim BJP supporter. It contradicts what Rahul Gandhi talked about in a foreign country.7 February 2023
Punjab University students of Lahore in Pakistan are discussing the Identity crisis in Pakistan. Punjabi Muslims are not debating about the bomb blast in Masjid in Pakistan. Pakistan is also a costume store and thinks about different dresses of identity. United Nations discuss the equality of states, but each state does not have power Veto power. The essence of Punjab, Sindh, and Pakhtoon is not discussed, but it is concerned with the religion of Islam. Sometimes Pakistan was an Islamic country, and sometimes it was not. But now, it is an Islamic state. Pakistan has mistreated Pakhtoons, as per the speaker. It is in Hindustani language but informs about political science.
24 January 2023
Supreme Court of India hijacked the Indian constitution. It happened slowly in 75 years of Indian democracy when corrupt practices became a necessity to exist. Corruption percolated in all spheres of democracy - judiciary, executives, legislatures, and media. Indians know and suffered due to corrupt practices of law enforcement machinery.
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