Saturday 5 November 2022


Jaipal Datta in Ernest Reuter Heim - West Berlin - 1972
 Freedom from what, and Whom?

Many people talk about freedom. Some may mean freedom to speak, freedom to love, freedom to misinform, freedom to agitate, freedom to protest, freedom to enslave, freedom to wage a war, freedom to colonize, freedom to hate, freedom to exploit others, including nature, freedom to pollute the air, water, and earth and freedom to rape for sex.

 I consider freedom from conflict to be above all freedoms. The conflict kills humanity and destroys capital. Conflict should be avoided by all means. The causes of conflicts are poverty, identity, religion, inequality, ego, sex, stomach, greed, grievances and territory.

The question remains what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil? Opinions in the newspaper, blogs, Tweets, and on Facebook construct hatred and spread disinformation and misinformation. 

President Roosevelt said after World War II "We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression. The second is the freedom of every person to worship God in his own way. The third is freedom from want. The fourth is freedom from fear." Should one trust politicians, who talk the words and interests of elites?

Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh, Punjab University. 1965-66

Man is no more a rational animal. World War III is on our doorstep. War is knocking on our doors. Many are not worried, not understanding the gravity of what is happening. They are busy with their day-to-day affairs. They are made to believe that their happiness is more important than anybody else's happiness. They feel pleasure in exploiting others. My territory and my ego are more important than others. Opinions divide innocent people. 

French Class of Punjab University 1968

I do not see any solution for peace and prosperity. Do religion and capital cause conflict? But Dinesh D'Souza said, "Atheism, not religion is a real force behind mass murder." What about greed and grievances? 

My class fellows of the Institute of Fermentation Technology (VLB Berlin, Germany)  - Brewing Tour -  Year October 1973
  My Colleagues of Mohan Meakin Ltd - Mohan Nagar with the Financial Director and Marketing team of Mohan Meakin Ltd 2011.
The University of Auckland - Professor Dr. Hoadley and Jaipal Datta with H.E. NZ Ambassador 2017. 

H.E. Ambassador of United States in New Zealand, Maria Armoudian (Professor in the University of Auckland teaching media), News Analytiker of New Zealand, Professor of Foreign Relations and Human Rights at the University of Auckland, Dean associate of the University of Auckland, Jaipal Datta after group discussions analyzing debates of 2016 USA Presidential elections.  

My uncle and my Guru and boss Padmashree Brigadier (retd) Kapil Mohan PhD, V.S.M. 

One of my political science gurus told me that he is a realist. Conflict cannot be eliminated but can be minimized. I agree with him and write the same after understanding and analyzing literature that we all are bio machines and are governed by the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. We are only actors and these planets are directors. The combination of these planets causes different vibrations and we act to create, live and die. Srimad Bhagwat Geeta informs that after one hundred years of Brahma, Brahma also sleeps for his hundred years." This calculation leads to billions of years of Earth's history.

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