2 July 2024
Rahul praised Muslim and Christian religions but criticized the Hindu religion by saying that all Hindus love violence.
ANI on X: "#WATCH | On Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's speech in Parliament, Jagjot Singh, president of Gurudwara Patna Sahib says, "Today is a very sad day because the way our leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi presented facts about religions in front of the House, according to me he had no https://t.co/sxBE83Guxg" / X (twitter.com) On Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's speech in Parliament, Jagjot Singh, president of Gurudwara Patna Sahib says, "Today is a very sad day because the way our leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi presented facts about religions in front of the House, according to me he had no information, he presented incomplete information, wrong information in the House...I would like to request him that until there is complete information about any religion, be it Sikhism, Hinduism or any other religion, one should first have complete information, then speak...It is a very good thing that he talked about violence but he probably does not know about the violence that happened with the Sikhs in 1984. I want to tell him that there are many families in Delhi itself, he should go to them once and apologize..." This may create violence in India.
ANI on X: "#WATCH | On Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's speech in Parliament, Swami Avdheshanand Giri says, "Hindus see God in everyone, Hindus are non-violent, accommodative and generous. Hindus say that the whole world is their family and they should always pray for everyone's welfare, https://t.co/yYCMDZZjBM" / X (twitter.com) On Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's speech in Parliament, Swami Avdheshanand Giri says, "Hindus see God in everyone, Hindus are non-violent, accommodative and generous. Hindus say that the whole world is their family and they should always pray for everyone's welfare, happiness and respect. It is not right to call Hindus violent or to say that they spread hatred. By saying such things, you are defaming and insulting the entire society. Hindu society is very liberal and it is such a society which is all-inclusive and respects everyone. Rahul Gandhi repeatedly says that Hindus are violent and that Hindus create hatred... I condemn these words of his. He should take back these words. The whole society is hurt and there is anger in the saint community... He should apologize for this."
ANI on X: "#WATCH | On Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's speech in Parliament, Syed Naseruddin Chishty, Chairman of All India Sufi Sajjadanashin Council, says, "While speaking in the Parliament today, Rahul Gandhi has said 'Abhayamudra' is also there in Islam. There is no mention of idol worship https://t.co/4dugkfmHU7" / X (twitter.com) On Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's speech in Parliament, Syed Naseruddin Chishty, Chairman of All India Sufi Sajjadanashin Council, says, "While speaking in the Parliament today, Rahul Gandhi has said 'Abhayamudra' is also there in Islam. There is no mention of idol worship in Islam, nor is there any kind of mudra. I refute it, there is no mention of 'Abhayamudra' in Islam and I believe that Rahul Gandhi should correct his statement."
24 August 2022
Sudhanshu Trivedi explains Hinduism. Discovery of zero, Shiva, Ganesha, and Vedic knowledge explained by Sudhanshu Trivedi. Sapna Samant may say it is Brahmanism and upper cast propaganda. Very knowledgeable lecture about Hinduism but for three hours. Hinduism is not religion but way of life and contains mathematics and scientific knowledge.
11 February 2022
Michael Erlewine
The four thoughts that turn the mind towards Dharma
(5) Facebook
9 February 2022
Hinduism v/s Hindutva
"After a controversy erupted over remarks made by senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid in his new book 'Sunrise Over Ayodhya: Nationhood in Our Times', the Congress seems to have got into more trouble with Rahul Gandhi saying that Hinduism and Hindutva are different things. Speaking virtually at a party function, he said, "Is there something common between Hindutva and Hinduism? What is the difference between Hinduism and Hindutva? If they are the same, why do they have different names -- why then use the name of Hinduism, and not Hindutva." He asked, "Is there something common between what Guru Nanak, Kabir, Gandhiji, and King Ashoka said about the Hindutva ideology? The difference between Hinduism as we know it & Hindutva? Are they the same thing? Can they be the same thing? They are obviously two different things." Hinduism & Hindutva are different: Rahul. (2021, Nov 13). Free Press Journal, Retrieved from
http://ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/magazines/hinduism-amp-hindutva-are-different-rahul/docview/2596822329/se-2?accountid=8424"Let me end with a very brief excerpt from President Richard von Weizsacker's extraordinarily wise and insightful speech given on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the end of WWII: 'The young and old generations must and can help each other to understand why it is vital to keep alive our memories. lt is not a case of coming to terms with the past. That's not possible. It cannot be subsequently modified or undone. However, anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present. Whoever refuses to remember one's inhumanity is prone to new risks of infection." Kiran Nagarkar. January 29, 2018. Constitution versus Cow. India Today. I add: I add: One should believe and convey further, only after analyzing why it is written, by whom it is written, and for what purpose it is written.
Arvind Kejariwal talks about Hindutva in Haridwar during election time. We all are Hindus. We read Ramayan. Ram is our God. Hindutva is what Ram taught us to practice. Ramchander accepted in two minutes verdict of her mother Kakyee and left his position power as King ( Listen from 1:00 to 4:00) Hindutva is what AAP is doing serving people.
23 January 2022
"Albert Einstein once said that the scientist of the future needs to be a man of enhanced awareness. In other words: scientists need to be Yogis. If Hindu society stands by its ancient wisdom which is the foundation of modern science, India will again shine bright in the world." Maria Wirth. Jaipal Datta says "Hinduism is the oldest scientific knowledge in the world". Mahabharta and Srimad Bhagwat Geeta are examples. Western theories dominate in Indian universities. But why Hindu Dharma was not taught? Forces that try to eliminate Hindu Dharma, Which are those destructive forces? Why this opposition and even extreme hatred for Hinduism? Three important points in favor of Hindu Dharma, Scientists need to be Yogis.
7 January 2022
Is Christian (catholic and protestants) Nationalism different than Muslim (Shia and Sunni), and Hindu (Buddhism, Sikhism, etc)? Is democracy shaking? Is humanity at risk? How can academics guide the next generation for peace and stability, which brings prosperity and happiness? Many questions need open discussions. Why does religion harm society? Why do capitalists spoil the environment? How to innovate a conflict-free society?
The Uncomfortable Lessons of Jan. 6
THE EDITORIAL BOARD argues that the threat to the country didn’t end with the storming of the Capitol.
JIMMY CARTER warns that America’s democracy is at stake and outlines the changes the country must make if it is to endure.
JEDEDIAH BRITTON-PURDY writes that the events of the 6th couldn’t have happened in a real democracy.
SOHRAB AHMARI argues that Donald Trump’s presidency failed to serve the populist upswell that buoyed him to the White House.
REBECCA SOLNIT writes that Republicans are telling themselves increasingly brazen lies — and believing them.
NOAH MILLMAN argues that not only are laws powerless to end a crisis of legitimacy — they might make it worse.
OSITA NWANEVU makes the case that the damage done to our electoral system was ultimately self-inflicted.
KATHERINE STEWART writes that Christian nationalists are treating Jan. 6 as a salvo in a larger war.
FRANCIS FUKUYAMA warns that the ripple effects of a shaky transfer of power in America will be felt around the world.
JON GRINSPAN AND PETER MANSEAU explain what the Smithsonian has collected from Jan. 6 and how the historical significance of objects like those changes over time."
2 January 2022
29 December 2021
Why does religion divide?
my previous post on the Christian mind-set was translated into Hindi:
बहुत से हिंदुओं को अभी भी 'अच्छे' ईसाइयों की मानसिकता की समझ नहीं है। हिंदू ईसाई धर्म का सम्मान करते हैं, फिर भी अच्छे ईसाई हिंदू धर्म का सम्मान नहीं कर सकते, क्योंकि उनका मानना है कि हिंदू गलत हैं और हमेशा के लिए शापित हैं।
फिर वे हमारा सम्मान कैसे कर सकते हैं? और हम उनका सम्मान कैसे कर सकते हैं, जब वे चाहते हैं कि सभी हिंदुओं का धर्मांतरण हो, दूसरे शब्दों में... सफाया?
यह उदाहरण इस मानसिकता को स्पष्ट करने में मदद करता है:
मेरी माँ के गुजर जाने के बाद, मैं अपने शहर के युवा पुजारी से मिली। जब उन्हें पता चला कि मैं भारत में रहती हूं, तो उन्होंने कहा:
"ओह, मेरा एक दोस्त अभी भारत गया है।"
मैंने जवाब दिया: मुझे उम्मीद है कि धर्मांतरण के लिए नहीं।
वह: “बेशक धर्मांतरण के लिए। यह हमारा कर्तव्य है।"
क्या आप अभी भी क्रिसमस मनाने में खुश हैं?
14 December 2021
The author writes, “It can be categorically stated that Hinduism and Hindutva are distinct and oppositional in nature. The distinction is however academic and cannot be appreciated by the common man.”
Isn’t this a bit arrogant towards the ‘common man’? Is this distinction not rather academic and not very honest hairsplitting? Hindutva is the Indian word for what the British called Hinduism.
13 November 2021
Action against Muslims in Tripura and violent situation in Malegaon in Maharashtra
Taal Thok Ke (Special Edition): Why violence in Maharashtra in the name of Tripura?
The situation in Malegaon remains tense over the violence against minorities in Tripura. The protesting people demand that those responsible for the violence in Tripura be arrested.
Taal Thok Ke (Special Edition): त्रिपुरा के नाम पर महाराष्ट्र में हिंसा क्यों?
त्रिपुरा में अल्पसंख्यकों के खिलाफ हिंसा को लेकर मालेगांव में तनावपूर्ण स्थिति बनी हुई है. हिंसा के विरोध में मालेगांव में बंद का ऐलान किया गया था. बंद के दौरान लोगों ने काले झंडे लहराये. विरोध कर रहे लोगों की मांग थी कि त्रिपुरा में हिंसा के लिए जिम्मेदार लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया जाए.
19 September 2021
Samuel's Huntington thesis quoted by R Shiv Shankar
“Why do they hate us?” That question was posed by bewildered Americans who watched in horror as the gleaming twin towers of Western industriousness were eviscerated by Islamist terrorists. In the days after the 9/11 attacks, many attempted to supply answers.
One of those answers found favor with neoconservatives in then-American President George W Bush’s regime. They put it down to the “clash of civilizations”, a term served up a decade earlier by American political scientist Samuel P Huntington. The thesis predicted that in the post-Cold War era “most important distinctions among people are (no longer) ideological, political, or economic. They are cultural.” In other words, Huntington predicted that most major global conflicts would be from here on triggered by cultural distinctions. September 18, 2021, by R Shiv Shankar.
29 August 2021
What is Sharia law?
Sharia is the way of life. But if mixed with politics, Sharia is suicidal.
18 August 2021
Listen about religion, democracy, and populism from 10:00 onwards.
Sadguru thinks that once elected in democracy, second-day people should not come on the streets to change the government. He was mentioning Trump. Change of power never happens without bloodshed (16:00).
28 June 2020
Dr. Subramaiyam Swamy explains Hinduism "I was once asked by a foreigner why Hindus are so passive. I replied that at the beginning, why exhaust the passivity option--Krishna 5 village offers. Then we remove doubts-Krishna/Arjuna Gita discourse. Finally, we fight till we win: e.g., defeated Mughals & British Imperialism."
1. Religion explained by
Sadhguru of India.
Harsh Mander explains in his article "Battle for India's soul: A century-long struggle against the Mahatma's vision" dated 28 December 2019 published in The Hindu newspaper. He explains his bigotry views on Indian politics without realizing that Hinduism accepted many religions. Due to this culture of Hindus invaders looted India and raped Indian women and enslaved Hindus for a long time say thousand years. To create violence in India, these pseudo-intellectuals are creating confusion in the minds of Hindus. Luckily time has changed. Social media is playing positive and negative effects.
I hope that people like Harsh Mander will understand the human culture of Hindus. Hindus were and are intelligent to understand criminals who violate human rights by instigating violence behind the scenes. Hindus are on the path of a revolution and will change the concept of old ideologies, create a new welfare democratic world, and create a new world order based on the "Universal Family" (Vasudhaive Katumbkam).
Jaipal Datta posts on Facebook dated 5 January 2020.
I believed in open borders and one welfare planet since my childhood. I still believe that new technology will change the world with exponential acceleration. I believe that religion and national boundaries will evaporate, and the younger generation will enjoy the benefits of one welfare planet.
It does not mean that there shall not be any conflict. Good and bad or good and evil may exist, but good shall be victorious. India can not compete in technology but shall preach non-violence and peaceful living. Humanity and democracy are the main constituents in the blood of Hindus. Dharma informs about love and respect for human beings and all bio species, including the environment. Violence is not Indian (Hindu) way of life.
देवता कोई भी हो शीश झुकता हूँ मैं,
अपनी आदत से विवश अपने को पाता हूँ मैं /
जब कोई कहीं भी नहीं मिल पाता है,
पथ के पत्थर को महादेव बनाता हूँ मैं//
"It is my nature to bow to any God. It is my strange habit. When I do not find any God, then I take a stone from the road and think that God is in this stone, and I worship this stone as God."Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Muslim religions are offshoots of Hinduism. All religions preach love and respect to fellow citizens. Some religions were taken over by politicians to gain political power. Religion and state joined together, in some nations, to guarantee peace, food, shelter, and dignity to humanity.
But power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Humanity is suffering due to this nexus of power and corruption.
Young people shall understand the motives of power brokers. Corrupt politicians shall be defeated by democracy. Time shall prove my thesis. It is true for all nations.
"Hum Bhi Dekhenge is my answer to Hum Bhi Dekhenge." Munawar Rana informs about this poem. Iqbal Bano sings Hum Dekhenge. I know since my childhood that many political parties in India use criminals to create violence.
How many sects are Muslims divided in? Explained by BBC 26 November 2018. Muslims are followers of Islam.
Muslim religion - many branches of the Muslim religion are explained by BBC news. It explains the Muslim religion. It explains about different sects of Muslim religion like Shia and Sunni. After the death of Mohamad, Shia and Sunni sects came. 570 to 632 Irwin time. Shia is also divided into many other sects. But the Sunni sect is also divided into five sects. School of Muslims follows Devbandi ways or Berailwi, Bohra, Khoja, Ismaili, Nusehri, Allawi, Nabi, Many more. 1866 Devbandi started. Most Indian Muslims follow either Devabandi or Berailwi. After Allah, Nabi is worshiped. Hanafi, Humble is also different. Shriya. Wahbi, Salfi, Ahmediya are also different. This news has researched the matter.
Religion in China:
China follows the Amethyst religion. Buddhist (second century) and Confucius religion is the main religion. Islam came in the 7th century. Muslims are a minority. Many Muslims are Sunni in China.
One of my friends wrote on Facebook (Archna Mishra of Kashmir *Kashmiri Apple & Indian Citizenship - removal of Art 370*).
Why is Pakistan so shaken up by the removal of Art 370 by India?
Out of many reasons here are two reasons just for those who think it's *religion*. Actual it has nothing to do with religion/Jihad:
*Reason 1: Kashmiri Apple!*
Kashmir provides 70% of apple production in India. It earns Rs.8000 crore annually from the export of apples. 8 Lakh hectares of land in Kashmir is under apple farming. But the farmers of Kashmir get Rs.3 to 15 per kg apple which is sold in the market anywhere from Rs 100 - 150 per Kg. So where goes the rest of the money?
It goes to the relatives of Abdullah, Muftis, Geelani & Sabbir Ahmed...
Ye,s these politicians who have built huge properties in the US, Europe & India and whose children enjoy lives abroad but push poor and local Kashmiris for Islamic Jihad!
After Art 370 is removed, the Kashmiri farmers can join *NAFED* - National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd, an apex organization of marketing cooperatives for agricultural produce in India, under the Ministry of Agriculture of India.
Since 12th August 2019, NAFED is buying apples directly from farmers. 3 types of apple categories A (Rs 54/kg), B (Rs 38/kg), C (Rs 15.75/kg). As a result, 3000 farmers have got money credited directly to their bank a/c by selling apply at 5-6 times higher price without an increase in the final price of the market. Trucks are running filled with apples from Kashmir to all parts of India. Farmers are super happy. Their children have money, so they won't pick stones in the name of Jihad.
So this gave a jolt to Pakistan-supported terrorists. Their supply line of Kashmiri boys is drying up. So how will they produce Burhan Wani now?
Hence they have targeted farmers, workers in apple farms, truck drivers.....
*Reason 2: Pakistanis acquiring Indian citizenship by marrying Kashmiri girls*
Any Pakistani who marries a Kashmiri girl would automatically get Kashmir citizenship. And Kashmiri people have dual citizenship (Kashmir & India). Once they get Kashmiri citizenship, they automatically get Indian citizenship. 1000's Pakistanis have used these strategies to become Indian citizens and entered India to enjoy benefits and engaged in anti-India activities.
After the removal of Art 370, no Pakistani can get Indian citizenship automatically. This has shaken the Pakistani Mission to the core.
Hence Pakistan has gone mad after the removal of Art 370 !!!
4 February 2020 - Shaheen Bagh is being discussed. "CAA and NRC are not by chance, but it is a systematic trial to disintegrate India. We all must fight against it." Narender Damodar Modi informed in a rally held in Delhi on 4 February 2020. Shaheen Bagh is a thought and ideology. It can create a problem. CAA and NRC are not at all anti citizens. All civilized countries are adopting it.
The Lallantop interviewed a person on 2 February 2020. He is explaining more about a migrant issue. He emphasizes more economic reasons. This professor is talking about humanity. He is not aware of politics and many reasons to gain power. Ideology does not give food. This Professor V. K. Tripathi is of IIT professor and is talking about humanity. I agree with him. But I believe ideology does not give food and peace. To attain peace, we need hard power and support from United Nations.
"What is wrong with Islam today? | Head to Head by Al Jazeera. 13 May 2016.
Is there really a problem with Islam today? Critics see Muslim women as downtrodden and sectarian conflict dominates the headlines, but this is a gross misrepresentation for many Muslims.
In this episode of Head to Head at the Oxford Union, Mehdi Hasan challenges controversial Canadian author Irshad Manji, writer of The Trouble with Islam Today and also Allah, Liberty, and Love, on the need to reform Islam, the notion of Ijtihad, the problem of Islamophobia and what Muslims need to own-up to.
19 October 2016
Religion by Datta News of Jaipal Singh Datta
Is Hindu Dharma good and Hindutva bad? Maria Wirth
21 September 2016
Who says religion poisons everything? Religion is a source of inspiration. It imbibes discipline in life. It develops compassion, love, and affection for humanity. Many religious people have donated all their wealth for humanity. Religion teaches methods to control your desires.
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