Friday, 11 December 2020

Christchurch attack 2019

11 December 2020 

1. NZ Herald report after Royal Commission report published by Alia Danzeisen 8 December 2020 / 04:00 PM.

2. Chris Wilson informs 

"Hi, all,
Hi from Canberra. I thought it would be good to assess the RC report from a perspective based on our study of extremism, terrorism, and white nationalism.
Some of the things we could consider:
Are the gaps identified by the RC important?
Are there other important causes or dynamics that we know from the study of extremism and white nationalism (and we know about Tarrant already) which seem to have been missed by the RC?
Are the recommendations likely to reduce the likelihood of future attacks?
What does the experience of other countries tell us about what is being recommended (or isn't recommended)?
It would be good to download the various sections of the report and post them here. And also links to the best media articles etc., on Tarrant and the attacks or on responses of authorities overseas to terrorist attacks.

Indian High Commission in New Zealand informs 

Friday, 9 October 2020

Armenia Azerbaijan and World War


30 September 2023

This is what ethnic cleansing looks like in the 21st century — massive arteries of traffic, every vehicle packed with families fleeing an unfathomable future, swiftly draining away the lifeblood of a historic land. By midnight (29.9) 100,000+ will have departed Nagorno-#Karabakh

29 September 2023

Maria Armoudian tweets: "goodbye homeland #indigenous lands #our homes, churches, monasteries, graveyards, communities, and everything we have ever built together as #Armenians. This happened because no one in the international community cared enough to protect our brothers and sisters. Yet again."

Professor Kopalyan tweets: A powerful @WSJ   piece on the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh: “I feel it’s the end of our nation”: In little over a week, Nagorno-Karabakh, a self-governing region established has been effectively dismantled via @WSJ.

28 September 2023

1. Henrikh Mikhitaryan tweets on Armenian's migration and sufferings. "After a ten months long blockade, on September 19th Azerbaijan’s military launched a brutal shelling of Nagorno Karabakh....The situation that people in Nagorno-Karabakh are suffering right now, brings memories from History’s darkest hours. We often look back to those dark pages of indiscriminate killings, ethnic cleansing and concentration camps with remorse, and regret that no one did enough to stop it. We cannot bring back the victims from those past atrocities, but we are still in time to prevent genocide from unfolding in Nagorno-Karabakh."

2. Serj Tankian: "His goal was to depopulate Artsakh of its indigenous population and that is what’s occurring. They need humanitarian orgs, UN fact finding mission because there have been massacres and finally Int’l peacekeepers as there is no trust in Genocidal Azerbaijan nor Russian peacekeepers. But it’s gotta be done now before it’s too late. Artsakh has all the Int’l legal rights as Kosovo and then some. We will fight for these rights."

3. Edmon Marukyan tweets "Rivers of cars are flowing to Armenia with refugees forced out of Nagorno Karabakh, from their ancestral land, their homes, communities, villages and cities, because no one guaranteed their rights and securities in Nagorno Karabakh. This is a classic case of ethnic cleansing implemented by Azerbaijan in the 21st century. There is no doubt Azerbaijan must be held accountable for this act".

4. German Foreign Office tweets that "Thousands of children, women, and men in Nagorno #Karabakh are so much in fear for their lives that they see no other alternative than to make their way to #Armenia - often with only the bare necessities and in overcrowded cars. More are arriving every hour."


27 September 2023

1. Maria Armoudian tweets: "How many human rights violations, genocides and ethnic cleansing can #Armenians take? Already we lost everything once, twice, and now another chunk of what remains of our #indigenous lands have been taken and our people brutalized."

2. #Armenians lived in #NagornoKarabakh for 3000 years. They are indigenous/autochthonous in their homeland. They were subjected to 2big & 2small wars, massacres & war crimes, blockades, sieges & starvation. They were resilient but they are human & they reached their edge.

3. Maria Armoudian tweets: "And to leave the lands where you and your ancestors have lived for thousands of years, where your homes, churches, graveyards, monasteries, art are being stolen out from under you".

Imagine packing your entire life in one bag — and having to start over from zero. This is the reality for tens of thousands of people leaving Artsakh right now.
#Azerbaijani military fired upon refugees attempting to leave #Artsakh, according to journalist P. Lancaster. In a video, one of the victims is seen with a bullet wound. As reported, half of his village, including children and women, have been shot and killed! #ArtsakhGenocide

4. BBC Reports: "An explosion at a fuel depot in Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh has killed 20 people and injured hundreds more, local Armenian authorities say. Nearly 300 people were admitted to hospitals, with dozens of them "still in critical condition". It comes as the Armenian government said 13,350 refugees crossed into the country from the enclave. The disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region is home to a majority of some 120,000 ethnic Armenians."

6 October 2020

Seeds of war between Christians and Muslims are being sown. Listen TV9 Bharatvarsh

Afghan, Syrian, and Pakistani terrorists are being used in Azerbaijan. Turkey is supporting Azerbaijan. Pakistan is sending its old Chinese weapons to Azerbaijan. Drones supplied by Turkey and Israel are being used by Azerbaijan. Till now, weapons were being sold without considering religion. Slowly religion may take over. France has already warned Turkey. France and Russia are already against Turkey in Libya.

1 October 2021

"Our World: Who won the Karabakh War?" our 23 min documentary on the aftermath of last year's Azerbaijan - Armenia war is now on... @bbciplayer  (UK only)

Internationally  Produced shot and edited by @abdujalil

Friday, 25 September 2020

Libya Conflict and Solution

4 September 2020 

Greece, Italy, and France in Libya and Europe.

The fight is continuing in Libya between GNA (Government of National Accord) and Haftar's forces. Turkey drones changed the situation. Germany says Libya can be second Syria. UN recognized government rejects peaceful process now. There is a proxy war going on in Libya. 48 billion barrels of oil are in Libya. Nationalism is a scapegoat for many politicians during Coronavirus and economic downfall. (Listen 17:53).

GNA - Italy, Qatar, Turkey, and UN ( Revolutionary forces) (Left Libyan forces)

Haftar - Egypt, France, Russia, Saudi Arabia (KSA), UAE (Counter-Revolutionary Forces)

30 August 2020

"Tensions are rising as countries compete for control of oil and gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. On August 18, Turkey dispatched a drilling ship flanked by navy vessels to an area off the coast of Cyprus, deepening its disputes with Cyprus and Greece. A war of words could spiral out of control as Greece and France send their warships to the contested region. But carving up the riches of the Mediterranean could prove to be a costly mistake. A Lebanese exploration well has come up dry, oil companies have delayed drilling, and many nations are switching to renewables. Could this mean some countries miss out on the oil and gas bonanza? Plus, does the crisis-hit World Trade Organization need a Brexiteer to run it?"

Look at graph 2:19

8 August 2020

"Russian mercenary groups have enabled renegade military commander Khalifa Hafter, who is based in eastern Libya, to blockade the country's oil exports, starving the country of much-needed money. Moscow's backing of Haftar, a former CIA asset, has increased tensions with the United States. In addition, Russian private military contractors are active in 16 African nations. So how is the country paying for its overseas wars? Also, on Counting the Cost: Currency crisis, debt default, hyperinflation, and poverty - Lebanon was in economic and political paralysis long before the devastating explosion in Beirut. With corruption rife, is it time for a Marshall Fund? Plus, we discuss weaponizing data and disinformation to manipulate elections. Hostile nations are using artificial intelligence to get past social media defenses." 

22 June 2020

"The battle lines of Libya's civil war are changing quickly. A few weeks ago, Khalifa Haftar's forces were on the outskirts of the capital Tripoli, battling to remove the UN-recognised Government of National Accord. But the warlord's campaign failed, and he's been in retreat since. GNA troops, reinforced by military support from Turkey, are pushing towards Haftar's power base in the oil-rich south and east. Egypt, one of Haftar's foreign backers, is threatening to send in its soldiers if GNA fighters attack the strategic city of Sirte. Could Egypt and Turkey go to war and further complicate the Libyan conflict?" Presenter: Imran Khan

8 June 2020 

"Warlord Khalifa Haftar announced several offensives in his drive to take full control of Libya. Russia, Egypt, and the UAE supported him. Everything was going well for him until last month. He suffered major blows in his battle to capture the capital Tripoli. And his plan to unseat the UN-recognised government based there collapsed. Haftar's military losses were accelerated by Turkey's military intervention in support of government forces. Haftar has long resisted compromise, but now he's ready to talk. He's accepted a ceasefire plan proposed by his ally, the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, that would start on Monday. It would include foreign fighters leaving Libya. But will this proposal even be considered?" Presenter: Laura Brennan

29 May 2020 

"In Libya, forces loyal to renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar have been forced to retreat as the UN-recognised government has been making rapid gains. The two sides have been fighting for control of the west since April 2019. Airpower has been a key factor in this conflict. Al Jazeera's Alex Gatopoulos explains."

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

India China Dispute - Laddakh and Tibet

21 October 2021 

China and Bhutan agree on border dispute. BBC reports "गुरुवार 14 अक्टूबर को चीन और भूटान के विदेश मंत्रियों ने वीडियो कांफ्रेंसिंग के ज़रिए एक बैठक की और दोनों देशो के बीच कई वर्षों से चल रहे सीमा विवादों को सुलझाने के लिए एक थ्री-स्टेप रोडमैप के समझौते पर दस्तख़त किए. ये समझौता डोकलाम ट्राई-जंक्शन पर भारत और चीन की सेनाओं के बीच 73 दिनों तक चले गतिरोध के चार साल बाद हुआ है. डोकलाम में गतिरोध तब शुरू हुआ था जब चीन ने उस इलाक़े में एक ऐसी जगह सड़क बनाने की कोशिश की थी, जिस पर भूटान का दावा था. इस समझौते पर भारत के विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता अरिंदम बागची ने कहा, "हमने आज भूटान और चीन के बीच समझौता ज्ञापन (एमओयू) पर हस्ताक्षर किए जाने को नोट किया है. आप जानते हैं कि भूटान और चीन 1984 से सीमा वार्ता कर रहे हैं. भारत भी इसी तरह चीन के साथ सीमा वार्ता कर रहा है." 


Read the history of conflict and actively participate in drawing the dotted line, yellow line, green and blue line. Ambitions of China to be a world power.

16 September 2020

15 September 2020 

The history of Laddakh is explained by Aaj Tak. India and China are facing each other in Ladakh since May 2020. China took over Tibet and want to occupy Ladakh. China has already taken the Sin Kai Chin area of Pak Occupied Kashmir due to the failure of Congress's government.  

History of Blue, green and dotted lines explained many centuries before.

13 September 2020

Sonam Wangchuk explains about Ladakh. 

Hudson Institute dated 12 September 2020. informs political, cultural, historical factors of the Himalayan region. Bhutan could deal better with Chinese soldiers with drinks and food only. War is not the only solution. One can deal with other options. Xi is under pressure now. China is under economic problems. The market situation may not ease position with China export market. This may affect China. US pressure is mounting on him. CPC may replace Xi Jin Ping. A large number of Chinese have parked their money in the US, Canada, and other countries. 

The Ladakh Standoff and the next phase of India and China relations were explained by four senior journalists. Moscow talk is going on. Not even an inch can be given to India, said China. Both sides have taken a very decisive talk. Two passes are important to us. First, China wants to cut off the area of Damchok. There is no chance of negotiations. Second, temporarily calling for a ceasefire and waiting for talks of foreign ministers. Practically it may remain unresolved. A lot of emotions are being built. The funeral of a Tibetan boy is evoking sentiments. That is quite scary. The hysterical period is scary. We should have an open mind. If that is broken, then we may be heading towards an unknown chart. We have some boundary perception, and there is no understanding. There are British maps. Local map informed about 1899. It divides Lucksung. We used to go there to collect salt. Chinese have not rejected that line. Macate line or Macdonald line. LAC has gone through a lot of changes. It can not be done unilaterally. 

After the 31st of August, rules are changed. When Tensing was martyred, then the situation has changed. It may add to a proxy war. We have opened the Tibet card. This was kept secret. My area is becoming a fight zone. Chinese are adding conflict between Tibetan and Ladakh sides. Tibetan forces are from our side, and China shall also play. On both sides, Tibetans may fight. 

China started now the Arunachal area. China is creating another area. China is talking about now the Nari Kingdom. Historically Ladakh was part of the Tibetan dynasty. Some new ethnic connections are being built. Ladakh is part of the Nari Kingdom. Guge kingdom historically, we are part of that kingdom. New challenges for analysts are emerging between history, ethnicity, the historical rift is being created. PLA may also deploy more Tibetan people. It may affect the total Himalayan region. Territorial issues are also being discussed.

Dr. Ranapa: What do you think Bejing's intentions are? Firstly after Jin Shing took over, we see new aggressive policies. April 2013, there was some intrusion. Within two weeks, that incident was resolved. That newspaper stated that how Ladakh was China's area. Reposition of unequal treaties on Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh. My reading is the manner the Chinese came to our borders. They have deployed on long LAC. It is larger. They are building forces. It has been cleared from the top. Planning was initiated around 2018 -19. They have started preparations and conducting military exercises in Tibet. They did not expect that India will match. It means that it frustrates China's long agenda. They decided to secure investment in Siachin and POK area. They may start a war. It is on a very razor edge. We captured ten heights on 7 September. When the Chinese fired, and we also fired back. Casualties of one death of Tibetan forces. It may involve Tibetan. It may send a message to Tibetan that Panchannama is there. Tibetan conference has come out against the Chinese. After the Galwan incident, the Pangur gap near Trishul - ideal for tank war. Meetings that have been held between defense ministers in Moscow are important. He is already on the way out. Defense Minister of India has more role. China's defense minister came with a script. Now there may be foreign minister meetings. Here again, they will come with a prepared text. I say again that China has come with a bigger agenda. We have also countered in all the areas. Xi Jin Ping is also criticized. It may lead to many purges in China. Security of Jin Ping is briefed up. Even he does not know how to come out of this situation. Face-saving options are being discussed. He has deceived us. So we should not be deceived.

Third speaker: Indian domestic politics. There are many perceptions in India. I go from 1949 to 1952. It was evident for a long time. There were many intrusions at that time. China is telling India that you must act according to CPEC. CPEC is passing through POK. It is China Pakistan Economic Corridor, and it is not China Kashmir Economic Order. The alliance is between China and Pakistan. Pakistan has already handed over a lot of areas to China. Pakistan army is Wahabi armed forces. 

China is looking for Bhutan, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh. India will totally be dependent on the water in China. India has committed many mistakes. We do not know what help we may get from the US, UK, etc. Chinese publications in small areas are preaching to India. They want a neutral India. Their target is the US. They know if the US and India join together. Look at General's treaty. Do not look at lawyer treaties. China wants to humiliate India. India is not Japan, UK, France, etc. It is a repeat of the 1980s. The US has helped China a lot. China was never an ally of the US. But China got a lot of help from the US. Chinese were very focused on beating Indians in the economics and IT sector. Chinese are very subtle people. We are protected from war with the US. 2017 I met significant people in China. I was presented with a book. We are in a protected war with the US. Mao Says, "Eliminate those who can say that we can win easily, those who say we can win easily throw them out, Eliminate those who say we can lose, we are ever going to lose (47:30)" Moscow meeting is nothing. Facts on the grounds are that we are at war. Making them (enemy) what we want to do. Constraining China is very important. More and more people say that. India is a unique type of alliance. We love Israelis. Indian culture and Jewish culture survived many atrocities. We need Iran, and you also need Iran. Supply chain in India to be made. Our prime minister is also enthusiastic. Xi went to Nepal. Chinese is taking all parts of Pakistan. Give us the tools. The entire Himalayas comes under democracies. It is essential. US and India can do it together.

China wants to take over the Himalayan region. Ladakh is on the plate of China. We do not find any solution regarding this. My economy is gone. Start selling Ladakh salt. It is crucial. Ladakh is a very fashionable issue. I agree with Dr. Paranalapa. Power, as well as the historical center, is thinking of China. Tibetan, Mangole and Ladakh, and Chines are together. There may be political issues. They are going deeper into it. South China sea, it is the Manchu world. Manchu empire - they are going into history and geographical, cultural, and historical issues. It is a very nuanced issue. British understood better than we understand. We do not understand the Chinese mind. Chinese third impression of dominance. Consistency of thinking, 70 years we overlooked China. My land has gone. We do not have any say in India. My knowledge may not be understood by others. I know better to deal with Tibetan as I know. They have the same perception as Ladakhi. Bhutan is dealing well with China. Bhutan has adopted gift practices. They are corrupt. We must deal with it asymmetrically. China's threat was known for long.

CNBC report dated 11 July 2020

Saturday, 8 August 2020

China-India conflict

10 December 2024

 Yu Jing on X: "China-India relations quiz going on! Lucky friends will win gifts 🎁🎊🎉 On October 23, 2024, During the meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned ____ is now the" / X  Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned ____ is now the biggest shared goal of China and India. A. development B. peace C. security


  • India can’t afford to be defensive against China like it has been with Pakistan on terror. Avoiding war with China will cost Delhi in the long run. Beijing’s LAC aggression will return.
  • The adage, a good general knows when to retreat, applies to both India and China equally well at a time when New Delhi and Beijing have made similar announcements about withdrawing their armies in Ladakh to a safe distance from each other. It is yet to be discerned whether the two armies have gone back to the pre-conflict spot. However, the withdrawal seems to have been agreed upon and implemented due to the talks between National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
  • Those who are raising doubts about India’s upper hand in the Ladakh standoff and subsequent events should do some introspection and determine for themselves if they are really doing a service to the country and the cause of its defense. 
  • As it stands, India has multiple options to deal with a belligerent China, even as many of them have not yet been put to use effectively so far.

24 October 2024

  • "Fifth, and this is most important, India has to up its propaganda in Europe, the US, Australia, Africa, and West Asia so that the Chinese bid to confuse issues involving India are not only addressed but also denuded of credibility. 
  • The media war, of course, needs to be played intelligently and not be as crudely as China does. India has more credibility than China, but one also has to reckon with the Western media’s general unsympathetic tone on India ever since Modi came to power in 2014.
  • Modi does not have time on his hands, as the war against four C’s – Covid, China, and Corporate and Consumer diffidence – has to be fought simultaneously. The China counter-measures can be announced together with a stimulus plan for Indian consumers and companies".

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Duniyadari by theLallantop

4 August 2020
Belarus example: Can democracy survive Transitional Justice?
After transitioning from dictatorship to democracy, Lukashenko remained in power in Belarus. Four elections in Belarus did not change the government.  Lukashenko benefitted by maintaining close relations with Russia and Europe. 

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

US elections 2020

16 January 2021

This is normal after riots. Left intellectuals will blame right radicals, and political supporters of right extremists will blame Maoists. But one point is obvious that it is politically motivated. As a political scientist and jurist, one should correlate the past events and political announcements and then conclude accountability. Every action is fair in love and war, and war, direct or indirect, is the politics by other means. So Horowitz explained after studying many riots in India and other developing countries practicing democracy.
Riots in the United States confirm that corruption and riots can be minimized but cannot be eliminated in democracy. Politically motivated good governance is the only solution. Leaders represent people's ambition and culture of that time.

Politics summarized by Prof Dr. Chris Wilson of Indonesia

14 January 20121

"The US House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump on one article of impeachment on Wednesday, charging the outgoing president with inciting the January 6 attack on the US Capitol building. The House vote makes Trump the first president in US history to be impeached twice. Trump released a statement following the historic vote but did not mention impeachment".

Twitter bans Trump

14 January 2021

Law must take its own course.

A man breaks a window as supporters of President Trump storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. (Leah Millis/Reuters

12 January 2021

Suhas Palshikar writes in Indian Express on January 12, 2021.

"Why siege of Capitol in Washington DC resonates closer home, carries lessons for us all.

The US experience indicates that democracy requires continuous caution. But perhaps the least learned lesson at home in India is about the comparative pathology of such autarchy lurking in our midst".

"Trump relied on megalomania; Indira Gandhi, too, was carried away by her own image. But in the present moment, we have a combination of megalomania with systemic ingredients ensuring that democracy will not be defined by what ought to be in an Orwellian fashion but based on what is claimed as democracy. His vote share notwithstanding, Trump could muster only a handful and only for a few hours to claim that they constitute the people of the US. In India’s case, with much less vote share, a large section is willing to keep their faith in the new idea of democracy constituted by victimhood and dominance as entitlements of majority."

10 January 2021
NDTV compares India with the US.

117th Congress certified Joe Biden as President of the United States. Biden shall be sworn on 20 January 2021.
Pippa Norris in Foreign Affairs January 7, 2021
"It Happened in America. Democratic Backsliding Should not have Come as a Surprise," Pippa Norris writes.
"Elections are the heart of liberal democracy. Losers voluntarily leave office. Winners assume rightful power. Yet the world just witnessed the stunning sight of a mob storming the U.S. Capitol to reject the legitimacy of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, driven by President Donald Trump’s delusional lies about a stolen contest. Rioters scaled scaffolding, broke through windows, and stormed the halls of Congress. They strolled through the Hall of Statues with a Confederate flag fluttering over their shoulders, brandished weapons on the floor of the Senate, and propped their feet up on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s desk. One woman was shot and killed. Members of Congress retreated into lockdown, gas masks in hand. They were forced to suspend the constitutionally required business of formally confirming the victory of the incoming president because of the incitement triggered by the incumbent president. This was an insurrection."
"Confirming President-elect Joe Biden's electoral win."

8 January 2021

The Capitol Siege Is the Wake-up Call America Shouldn’t Have Needed

Elite Enabling of Populist Tyranny Can Doom Democracy

"China’s Communist Youth League, echoing U.S. reactions to the 2019 pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, called the storming of the Capitol a “beautiful sight.”

"The first imperative of any democracy is to physically secure and protect itself—its people, its public officials, and its institutions." 

"For the last four years, Trump has been the arsonist in chief, lighting the populist flames of rumor and outrage. After a violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville in 2017, he insisted that “wonderful people” were on both sides of the conflict. Later, he retweeted a threat of civil war if he were to be impeached".

8 January 2021

7 January 2021

"Mike Pence announces Congress certification of Joe Biden's electoral victory."

7 January 2021

"Democracies of the world are in trouble. Mobs want to disrupt law and order. Internet and social media are changing the world dramatically. Corruption in all societies affects the social system. Force of law is required to curtail the violence of lawbreakers around the world. The world should take a new shape. China, Russia, United States, G5, G7, G10, or G20 should call a meeting of the United Nations at the earliest. Elites around the world are instigating people of the opposition countries". Jaipal

Dan Rather explains that it is a coup and illegal violence. Congress must decide about the President. Who is to be blamed? (5:40) Who Inspired and incited the public? Who is fomenting the violence?
See many reports of violence in Capitol Hill of US

31 August 2020
Belarus, Berlin, and Washington demonstrations pinpoint the future. Coming events cast their shadow before.

20200701(1 July 2020)
1. China interfering US Elections
China is "purchasing news outlets and entertainment companies to push its propaganda and erase any criticism against its government," he said. Chinese leaders are meddling in elections across the world, "restricting information about the coronavirus...”
2. U.S. Presidents who betray America and its Flag by teaming up with foreign enemies to Steal Presidency Elections should be held to the Laws of Treason.
3. Environment
4. Red China Spy
This is the face of hate. This is the face of bigotry. This is the face of racism. This is the face of inequality. This is the face of no Law & Order. This is the face of Anti-America. This is the face of the democrat party. Remember this face November 3rd & vote RED!

20200630 (30 June 2020)
1. "Polls have consistently shown that Americans disapprove of his response to protests of police violence and believe that he has worsened race relations." Ashley Jardina: many white Americans who reluctantly voted for Trump stay home and watch the news more.
2. "The same people who “broke” the Russia hoax story now expect us to believe their reporting on President Trump ignoring bounties on American troops?" Republican Senator

20200629(29 June 2020)
President Trump "has been on the right side of history and the right side of American values,” Joseph Bosco writes. "The Trump team’s record on security and human rights vis-à-vis China to this point surpasses anything done in prior administrations.”
Trump campaign communications director says 12000 attended the Tulsa rally.